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Why are my Teeth Discoloured?

If your teeth have become discolored for no apparent reason and other symptoms have appeared, see a dentist to diagnose the cause and recommend the appropriate treatment.

There are several reasons for discolored teeth, including:

1. Food and drink: Coffee, tea, soft drinks, some juices and vegetable juices (such as apple juice and tomato juice) can cause staining of teeth.

2. Tobacco: Smoking or chewing tobacco can stain teeth.

3. Not keeping the teeth clean: Regular brushing and flossing can remove plaque and toothpaste such as coffee and tobacco and prevent tooth discoloration.

4. Disease: Different diseases can affect the enamel (hard surface on the teeth) and dentin (the material under the enamel) and cause discoloration of the teeth. Some treatments can also affect tooth color. For example, radiotherapy (radiation therapy) of the neck and head and chemotherapy can cause discoloration of the teeth. In addition, some infections in pregnant mothers can affect the growth of fetal enamel.

5. Medications: Giving tetracycline and doxycycline antibiotics to children under the age of 8 whose teeth are still growing can cause tooth discoloration. Using some mouthwashes can cause tooth decay. Antihistamines (such as Benadryl), antipsychotics, and high blood pressure medications can also change the color of teeth.

6. Dental Procedures: Some materials used in dentistry, such as dental fillings and especially materials containing silver sulfide, cause a blackish-gray color in the teeth.

7. Aging: With age, the outer layer of tooth enamel gradually wears away and reveals the natural yellow color of dentin (dentin is under the enamel) and causes tooth discoloration.

8. Hereditary and genetic factors in tooth discoloration: Some people genetically have lighter or darker teeth than others.

9. Environmental factors: Excessive use of fluoride causes discoloration of teeth. This extra fluoride can enter the body through natural sources (such as high-fluoride drinking water) or mouthwash, toothpaste, fluoride therapy in children, or supplementation.

10. Injuries: For example, injuries caused by falling in children and trauma to the teeth, can disrupt the formation of tooth enamel, because children’s teeth are still growing. Injuries can also cause tooth discoloration in adults.

By making a few simple lifestyle changes, you can prevent tooth discoloration, for example, if you drink a lot of coffee or smoke, reduce or even cut it down.

Also, brush and floss regularly to keep your teeth clean, and see an dental hygienist every to clean your teeth.