
Toothache and depression

Wisdom Teeth


The patient was a 45-year-old woman with persistent, moderate, and vague but sometimes severe oral pain from the temporomandibular joints and mill teeth on both sides. The unhappiness began with marital problems and economic hardship. Finger root canal treatment, as well as occlusal splint treatment and depression medication, have relieved and temporarily relieved the pain, but the discomfort has recurred.


Clinical examination and radiography of the teeth did not show any abnormal condition. The root canal treatment seemed to be successful. On clinical examination, the temporomandibular joint was normal. Subsequent questions indicated the spread of emotional stress following divorce.


Pink mouth pain of psychological origin (indefinite)

There are several reasons that cause toothache and depression is one of them.

There are many people who have healthy teeth without any signs or symptoms of the disease but complain of persistent toothache. This is not surprising, sometimes the diagnosis of toothache is suffering from depression, stress or anxiety. It is possible for a patient to put his hand on his tooth and complain of pain, but during the examination, his tooth is healthy and without problems.

So, how does depression cause toothache?

Constant stress can lead to some spontaneous habits such as pushing teeth together or grinding teeth. These abnormal habits put extra strain on the muscles that hold the jaw in place, which eventually leads to spasms and cramps. This condition can cause long-term pain that spreads to the teeth, jaw, neck and even the shoulders.

Another reason that stress can lead to dental problems and the impact of stress on oral health is that it causes you to not take care of your teeth due to sadness, stress or depression. When you are stressed, it is difficult to be careful about your daily routine and you may not observe good oral hygiene. You may also stop seeing your dentist for regular checkups due to stress-related depression.

Dry mouth

Some antidepressants and medications used to treat stress can lead to dry mouth. Dry mouth can also predispose to dental problems. If you have been prescribed anti-stress or anti-depressant medication and you experience dry mouth, you should see your dentist to find a solution. Having the right amount of saliva is important in preventing tooth decay and should not be overlooked.


Making sound when opening and closing the jaw (jaw tapping)

The pain often appears in the morning or has a definite pattern.

Persistent and vague pain that is sometimes difficult to trace.

Pain that can spread to the jaw, neck or shoulders.

What can be done?

In cases of toothache, patients will usually be asked about their history and suffering from any emotional problems, depression or anxiety. Patients are then advised to seek the advice of a GP to begin taking some medications to relieve stress.

Yoga, meditation and having a healthy lifestyle have shown many effects in many cases. To relieve pain, patients are advised to apply warm compresses to the affected areas. In cases where patients suffer from persistent pain, even the use of condoms that are used during sleep is prescribed. So in a nutshell, good oral health is a means to an end. Meeting a dentist routinely can also be a way to achieve that health.