Spaces Between Teeth
One of the signs of beauty is having a beautiful smile. The definition of a beautiful smile, regardless of taste, usually includes neat, white teeth. Do not doubt that the first thing that makes a laugh beautiful are the teeth. The shape of the jaw and teeth has a significant effect on your satisfaction with the smile . Sometimes some of us feel flaws in the shape of our teeth, but we do not know where the main problem is.
Is it tidy enough? Is it as white as it should be? Is the fit between the teeth observed? These and many other questions may nail anyone in front of a mirror for hours, but your problem may not be any of these, and only the small gaps between the two front teeth make your smile different; what you may think is hereditary and nothing can be done about it, but a dentist explains ways to close these gaps.
Naturally, your teeth should be spaced far enough apart to allow a floss to pass through. In some people, this distance is more than a floss and maybe as much as a centimeter. There are several possible causes for this problem. The first and most important cause is genetics; This means that you may have inherited the large jaw gene from one parent and the small teeth gene from another parent, resulting in a large gap between your teeth.
Lack of some end teeth, as well as gum disease can cause gaps between teeth. There are two invasive and non-invasive methods to close the gap between the teeth. The non-invasive method is the use of orthodontics, which can almost be said to be the best of the available methods. In the invasive method, a tooth needs to be cut, sometimes the whole tooth has to be cut, and sometimes it is enough to cut one side of it.
Spaces larger than two millimeters cannot be filled with composite, as the teeth become too wide and the beauty desired by the patient is not met. For this reason, if there is a lot of space between the teeth, people should usually go for orthodontics, because despite the long time, the result is predictable and the patient does not lose any tooth tissue. One of the safest and best ways to close the gap between teeth is orthodontics at an early age. This treatment helps to close the gap between the teeth in many cases.
Orthodontics is usually the best treatment if your jaw base is good and your teeth are not too large. Even if you do not have orthodontics as a child, you can still use this treatment until middle age, so do not make excuses for doing so, “We are gone!” If you want to choose orthodontic treatment to close the gap between your teeth in adulthood, you can ask your dentist to use the same color ceramic clamps or brackets for your teeth so that you do not have problems with appearance. Orthodontics helps teeth fit together in a row. In this case, it will be easier to observe oral health.