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Preserving Baby Teeth

Preserving baby teeth

Preserving baby teeth is as important as puberty teeth. Drinking fruit juice with a glass of milk will increase children’s tooth decay.

One-third of children suffer from tooth decay by the age of 3 because they drink a glass of juice. These sugary drinks directly affect the teeth and produce acid, which causes premature tooth decay and loss of enamel, which in turn causes the tooth to become brittle.

Parents think that baby teeth are falling out and do not care if keeping these teeth is very important and it is better for their children to mix 5 fruits and vegetables instead of sweet juices and to Give the shape of fruit juice to children every day.

According to doctors, this recipe is increasingly useful and better than packages of sweet juices that are harmful to the teeth; The worst thing parents can do is pour the juice into a glass and give it to the child while he is napping; During the rest period, saliva secretion causes tooth loss, and this is worse than when the child is awake.

Usually when a baby is six months old, the first baby teeth appear in his mouth. The rest of these teeth take until the end of two or three years. The number of deciduous teeth in each jaw is 10 and in the whole mouth is 20.

Chewing teeth is the responsibility of baby teeth until the age of six. At this age, permanent teeth begin to grow and gradually replace them. At the age of 12 to 13, there are no more deciduous teeth and all teeth are permanent.

Most people believe that baby teeth are not important because of their short lifespan and do not need to be cared for. But the reality is different.

If the deciduous tooth is lost prematurely, the adjacent teeth move to the empty space of the tooth and narrow the existing space, so the eruption of a permanent replacement tooth in this space becomes problematic.

Unfortunately, this perspective often causes us to become overwhelmed when it’s time to start a new tooth. In this way, with insufficient care, they cause premature caries and their loss, which results in ectopic eruption or lack of eruption of permanent lower teeth.

Avoid putting your baby to bed with bottles and breastfeeding at night. Instead, offer water as a beverage whenever possible and clean a baby’s gums and teeth after each meal and before bed.