Orthodontic and Confidence
The problem is that misaligned teeth and other oral problems can lower a person’s self-esteem. The result of orthodontics is smooth teeth and a beautiful smile. Let’s look at the complex relationship between orthodontics and self-esteem.
The effect of oral problems on self-confidence
It does not matter if the teeth are messy or the upper and lower jaws are back and forth, oral problems have a negative effect on a person’s self-confidence. People with irregular teeth are usually reluctant to smile, and a confident smile plays a big role in a person’s impact on their audience. This can damage the self-esteem of children, adolescents and adults. Whether you like it or not, we live in a world where the impact of our first encounter on other people is significant.
Research shows that deformed teeth negatively affect people’s romantic and work relationships. Those who have such problems seem less intelligent and incapable. In addition, oral problems have a negative effect on people’s health. Having a bad feeling about your appearance can have a huge impact on your self-esteem.
If you decide to straighten your teeth, you will need to have orthodontics.
How to maintain self-confidence despite orthodontics
If you decide to straighten your teeth, you will need to have orthodontics. Take a deep breath, as you will have to brush your teeth for a long time. Of course, it is better to know that some of the most beautiful faces in the world have also used these wires for some time. In this section, we have brought you methods that you can use to maintain your self-confidence despite orthodontics:
There are some orthodontic procedures that are less visible. If you have the conditions, you can use colorless wires, invisalign and tongue wires, which are invisible compared to regular wires. Talk to your orthodontist about this.
Aside from orthodontics, keeping your teeth clean makes it easier to smile. Be sure to rinse your mouth after eating and brush your teeth properly, and most importantly, see your dentist once in a while to clean your teeth.
Choose the right foods you like. There is nothing worse than breaking a bracket or getting stuck in a wire.
Remember that orthodontics is temporary; so keep in mind the image of a beautiful and flawless smile after orthodontic removal.
Do not think too much about orthodontics. Most people are always worried about their appearance and will not even notice your dental floss.
Pretend. Even if having a wire on your teeth bothers you, pretend you have no problem with it and smile with confidence. You will not be afraid to smile after a while.
According to research on people over the age of 18 who have had orthodontics, 75% of them have been more successful in their work and personal relationships after orthodontics.
The benefits of having a beautiful smile
When the wires are removed, your teeth are straightened and you have the beautiful smile you have always dreamed of. Then you will see that your oral health and self-esteem will improve. Children and adolescents find that they are no longer ashamed of their teeth and are more confident.
Of course, it is not just children who benefit from orthodontics. According to research on people over the age of 18 who have had orthodontics, 75% of them have been more successful in their work-personal relationships after orthodontics, and 92% of them have recommended orthodontics to others. Also, 71% of them admitted that they had a lot of worries before starting the treatment, but after the start of the treatment, these worries disappeared.
The change that orthodontics makes to people’s faces is very dramatic. With more self-esteem, one feels capable of doing anything. Although some people are embarrassed by orthodontics, there are ways to manage this problem, and when the wires are removed, you will have a beautiful smile and tidy teeth.