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Impacted Wisdom Teeth

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If the wisdom tooth does not have enough space to grow (impacted wisdom tooth), it can cause pain, infection, or other problems in the mouth. In this case, it is necessary to pull it. Some dentists recommend the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth as a precaution against potential future problems, even if the tooth is not currently problematic.

Wisdom teeth are actually next to the third Asian tooth. Everyone has a set of 32 natural teeth during their adult life. Some have more than 32 teeth, a condition called hyper dentation. Some have less than 32 teeth, a condition called hypodontia. The third Asian tooth is the last adult tooth that begins to grow and grow around the age of 18-21.

Wisdom teeth usually begin to grow during adolescence or near the age of 20, but in some cases may last until the age of 30 or older. Although in some cases wisdom teeth grow without causing any problems or discomfort, not having enough space in the mouth to grow can cause problems for other teeth. Therefore, the teeth of wisdom must be extracted.

A crooked wisdom tooth puts pressure and damage on the surrounding teeth. It also damages the jaw and even the nerves around it. If the position and location of wisdom teeth are not suitable, this tooth is prone to decay; because food particles remain between the wisdom teeth and other Asian teeth, they cause decay.
If the wisdom tooth is simple, it is extracted in the usual way, but if the wisdom tooth is impacted, surgery is needed to extract it.

Wisdom tooth surgery can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. In local anesthesia, the surgeon injects a local anesthetic into the patient and begins working after the surgical site is anesthetized.

A cleft or incision is made at the site of surgery and the bone and root of the tooth appear. In some cases, the bone of the tooth may also need to be extracted in order to lift and extract the wisdom tooth. It may also be necessary to cut wisdom teeth to make it easier to extract wisdom teeth.

When the impacted wisdom tooth is successfully extracted, the surgical site is cleaned with water. Absorbable or non-absorbable sutures are used to suture the surgical site. In some cases, the surgical site may not need to be sutured.

After extracting wisdom teeth, it is necessary to maintain oral health and also to follow the following recommendations:

Do not rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours after tooth extraction.

Eat a soft or liquid diet (milk, ice cream, mashed potatoes, and pudding) the day you brush your teeth, and gradually start eating foods that do not require much chewing the next day. Try chewing with teeth that are pulled away from the tooth.

Brush and floss other teeth as usual, but avoid brushing your teeth and gums near the extracted tooth.

After 24 hours, after eating and before going to bed, gently brush the extracted tooth with warm salt water (pour 1.2 teaspoons of salt into a cup of water). Repeat this process for at least 5 days after tooth extraction.