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Effects of Sugar on Teeth

Sugar is a very hard ingredient to avoid as it’s found in nearly everything from chocolate to cereal. Een naturally occurring sugar found in fruits and vegetables can cause harm to your teeth, but what kind of effects does sugar exactly have on them?

Loss of Enamel

First off is enamel. Enamel can be shaved away by bacteria, and this bacteria in particular feeds on sugar and can cause problems such as tooth decay, leading to tooth loss. In the case of tooth loss, there are implants and bridges available to restore your smile, but it’s much easier and less expensive to just limit sugar in your diet and to brush your teeth soon after having a food that contains it.

Frequent Toothaches

When sugar eats away at the teeth, nerves can become steadily exposed, making your teeth especially sensitive to hot and cold foods. Even the slightest touch may cause your jaw to begin throbbing.


Much like with how sugar works with bacteria to eat away at enamel, that same bacteria is also capable of making holes in the teeth. This leads to cavities and an immediate trip to the dentist to get them filled. Cavities that fail to get filled can grow larger until the tooth can no longer be saved and will need to be extracted by a dentist.

Gum Disease

Sugar creates a paradise for bacteria, allowing it to thrive and to grow. Although your teeth can be attacked by this bacteria, your gums can also be a target. When bacteria eats away at your gums, it can cause gum disease, and also contributes to conditions such as periodontitis and gingivitis.

The takeaway message should be to limit your sugar consumption, and if you do eat a sugary food, be sure to brush your teeth as soon as possible to avoid the creation of bacteria.