Children’s Dentistry
When your child reaches the age of one, or at least 6 months after their first tooth emerges, it’s time for them to visit the dentist for the first time. Why this early? Well, it’s to check for a couple of things: to see if you’re doing to proper cleaning care at home, and to diagnose any problems that may have already started occurring. It’s also good to get your child used to the dentist as this is something that they’ll have to continue doing for years to come.
In the subsequent years, x-rays may be taken to see how the teeth are going to come in and if any intervention is needed, or will be needed in the future. In most cases, however, crooked teeth are not an issue and will more than likely sort themselves out as the child’s jaw grows and develops, making room for new teeth.
The one thing that is most common with children is cavities which mostly form on the molars. As the molars come in, your dentist may discuss the option of sealing the molars as this makes bacteria and germs less likely to develop.
In the event of a cavity, your dentist may recommend a filling. Some parents will frown at this suggestion as the baby teeth will eventually fall out, so why bother with a costly procedure? While it is true that baby teeth will all fall out, your child will most likely still have a few left by the age of 12 and if the cavity develops at 5 years old, it is a possibility that the affected tooth could still be in your child’s mouth for another 7 years.
Broken, chipped, or infected teeth should also be treated, even if they will fall out in the future. Your oral health has the potential to affect the rest of the body, and it is no different for your child. Taking care of their teeth ensures they stay as healthy as can be.
To schedule your child’s first appointment, visit our website at