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Causes and Treatment of Tooth Stains

Small stains are removed by ultrasonic cleaning, rotary polishing with anti-wear paste, or air polishing with abrasive powder. Teeth whitening can also be removed by whitening teeth and other methods. Note that whitening teeth will temporarily worsen the appearance of teeth with fluorosis.

Laminate veneer: Using porcelain veneers is another solution to remove white spots on the teeth. Veneers are custom veneers made to improve the appearance of each patient’s teeth. These veneers are used for people with severe fluorosis. Laminers, duratin veneers, nano veneers and very thin Imax veneers are very thin types of veneers that are used by cosmetic dentists at the right time.

Bonding: Bonding is a type of dental coating that is attached to tooth enamel with hard resins.

Dental crowns: Dental veneers are fixed prostheses that are attached to existing teeth or implants. Veneers usually cover the entire stained tooth.

MI pastes: MI pastes are made from calcium phosphate, which in some cases is used in conjunction with micro-abrasion techniques to reduce tooth discoloration.

Home care: Home remedies for blackheads and whiteheads focus primarily on remineralization (conversion of organic or organic matter to mineral). Our dentists believe that with increasing brushing and flossing, white spots disappear over time.

Brown and black spots on the surface of the teeth:

Cause: These stains are common stains on teeth. Causes of tooth blackening include excessive drinking of tea, coffee, smoking, and colored foods that are absorbed by the tooth surface.

Treatment: We use scalar to remove stains on the teeth and polishes and preventative pastes to smooth the surface of the teeth. Teeth whitening also helps to remove these stains.

Prevention: Avoid dark drinks such as tea, coffee and red wine. Also, avoid smoking.

Green and orange spots:

Cause: Accumulation of bacterial and fungal plaque on teeth due to improper and inadequate brushing

Treatment: Simple scaling of teeth and teeth polishing to remove accumulated plaque (hardened dental plaque) on the tooth

Prevention: Observing the correct principles of oral hygiene, brushing twice a day in the morning and at night and flossing regularly

Causes of mottled white, bluish-gray, yellowish-brown tooth stains:

Cause: Abnormal mineralization or tooth formation during tooth growth, disease, or the use of certain antibiotics can cause discoloration and staining of the teeth on growing teeth. These spots are usually present when the teeth come in and grow.

Treatment: The treatment of these stains is more complicated than the treatment of existing stains. The treatment of these stains includes acidic abrasions (removal of very thin layers of enamel from damaged teeth with the help of strong acids and coarse polishes), teeth whitening, filling teeth with white materials or use It is made of veneers and dental veneers.

Grayish black teeth:

Cause: In fact, the cause of black teeth in children and adults is tooth decay.

Treatment: The dentist can remove the decayed part of the tooth and use white fillings to replace the lost tooth tissue. Recent dental caries can be treated with topical fluoride therapy.

A single dark tooth:

Cause: This complication usually occurs after an injury or tooth decay that destroys the tooth nerve. We call that pulp necrosis. In some cases, the teeth become darker as a result.

Treatment: Dead teeth should be denervated. Then you can improve the appearance of your teeth by whitening your teeth, veneers or using dental veneers.