Many people do not have any problems with their wisdom teeth during their lifetime and never go to a dental clinic for wisdom tooth surgery. But if the eruption of this tooth is associated with problems, the extraction of wisdom teeth should be on the agenda. In this article, we will introduce you to the problems of impacted wisdom teeth, the reasons for wisdom tooth extraction, risks, preparation for surgery, and postoperative care.

Extraction of wisdom teeth is a surgical procedure to extract one or more wisdom teeth, the four main adult teeth that are up and down in the back corners of your mouth.

If a wisdom tooth does not have space to grow (impacted wisdom tooth) it can lead to pain, infection, or other dental problems and you will most likely have to pull it out. Wisdom tooth extraction may be performed by a dentist or oral surgeon.

To prevent possible problems in the future, some dentists and oral surgeons recommend that wisdom tooth surgery be performed and the tooth extracted, even if the impacted teeth are not currently a problem.

Wisdom teeth are the last major teeth to appear in the mouth. These teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Some people never get wisdom teeth. In other people, wisdom teeth erupt normally – just like other teeth – and do not cause a problem.

Many people have impacted wisdom teeth – teeth that do not have enough space to come out of the mouth or grow normally. The impacted wisdom tooth may only grow to some extent or not come out at all.

An impacted wisdom tooth may:

Grow at an angle to the next tooth

Grow at an angle to the back of the mouth

Grow at right angles to other teeth, as if the wisdom tooth were inside the jawbone

Like other teeth, it goes straight up or down but is stuck in the bone.

If a missing wisdom tooth leads to the following problems, you should probably have it extracted:

  Stuck food and debris behind the wisdom teeth
  Infection or gum disease (periodontal disease) that requires gum surgery.
  Tooth decay in a partially germinated wisdom tooth
  Damage to nearby teeth or surrounding bone
  Create a fluid-filled sac (cyst) around the wisdom teeth
  Complications of orthodontic treatments for straightening other teeth

Dental professionals disagree about extracting impacted wisdom teeth that do not cause problems (asymptomatic).

Wisdom tooth extraction does not usually lead to long-term complications. However, extracting an impacted wisdom tooth sometimes requires a surgical procedure that involves making an incision in the gum tissue and removing the bone. Complications of this rarely include the following:

  Dry and painful surgical site (cavity) or the appearance of bone in the event of the disappearance of a blood clot after surgery from the surgical wound site (cavity)
  Infection in the cavity is trapped due to the accumulation of bacteria or food particles
  Damage to teeth, nerves, jawbone or surrounding sinuses.

What causes crooked and crowded teeth? Several different factors can cause the teeth to become crowded. Among its factors, we can mention the displacement and misalignment of the jaws, irregular size of the teeth, past dental injuries, small jaws, and cleft lip and palate.

Improper oral habits such as pressing the tongue against the front teeth when swallowing and speaking, finger sucking, mouth breathing, allergies, and asthma can lead to crooked and crowded teeth.

Types of overlapping teeth

In general, compaction of the teeth is caused by the mismatch between the space in the dental arch and the space required for the smoothness and alignment of the teeth. When there is not enough space to protrude all the teeth in the dental arch (depending on the moderate to severe heterogeneity), the teeth are tilted and compressed and overlap. Depending on the intensity, crowding and compaction of the teeth are classified into three groups:

First-degree or mild congestion
Secondary or moderate crowds
Third or severe congestion
Also, crowding of teeth can be divided into three categories: primary, secondary and tertiary crowding, which is actually the cause of this problem.

Early crowding of teeth: This condition, which is actually inherited, is passed on genetically from parents to children and is influenced by family history. In this type of misaligned teeth, the mismatch between the size of the teeth and the jaws is the main cause of lack of space. For example, you may inherit the small size of the father’s jaws and the size of the mother’s teeth.

Secondary crowding of teeth: This condition is acquired and is caused by the deflection of the posterior teeth forward, especially after the premature loss of deciduous teeth in the lateral part of the mouth, as well as the displacement of the front teeth backwards. Patients in this group are often advised to take care of their baby teeth and prevent them from decaying to avoid this problem. This problem can be prevented by controlling your diet, especially during mixed dentition and regular brushing.

Tertiary crowding of teeth: This situation is still under discussion. This type of crowding and crowding of teeth occurs primarily in the mandibular front teeth and begins during or after adolescence. It used to be thought that protruding wisdom teeth would cause this kind of crowding and crowding, but it is now clear that this can happen even if there is no wisdom teeth. The cause is attributed to the different front and back growths of the mandible and upper jaw, which end at different times. In addition, mandibular and maxillary rotation is different during growth. In today’s society, malocclusion due to lack of space and compression of the teeth is more common than the size of the jaw and the distance between the teeth.

What problems do crowded and crowded teeth cause?

This situation causes many problems. Perhaps the first problem is the ugliness of the smile and teeth. But the beauty of the teeth is not the only problem that is affected by the crookedness and compaction of the teeth. Other problems include excessive wear and tear on some tooth surfaces due to improper contact with adjacent teeth, gum infection due to difficulty cleaning the areas between the teeth, tooth decay, especially in areas of overlapping teeth, injury and joint pain Jaw and its consequences.

Note that clenching of the teeth is a common condition in childhood, and three out of four children have difficulty developing the jaw properly. Treating this condition at an advanced age is much better, simpler, more successful, less invasive and less expensive.

Methods of treating crowding and clenching of teeth

Treatment for this condition depends on the severity of the problem and may be corrected by simple action such as a stationary mouthpiece within a few months, or may require more complex and lengthy treatments, or even some teeth may need to be extracted. The treatment method depends on the severity of the lack of space, the patient’s age and his cooperation.

Remember that in order for the treatment results to be stable, the cause of the crooked and compressed teeth must be determined and resolved.

Treatment methods for crowded and crowded teeth are:

Fixed bracket: One or more permanent teeth may be extracted before flossing to provide enough space for the teeth to straighten and align. In the bracket or wiring method of teeth, small square jewels called bracket jewels are attached to the teeth and the orthodontic wire passes through each of them.

Transparent liner or Invisalign: Invisalign, also called invisible orthodontics or transparent brackets, is not actually attached to the teeth, unlike the bracket system, but is a transparent plastic mold that completely surrounds the teeth. It is used in such a way that the patient puts it in his mouth and whenever he wants to eat something or brush his teeth, he has to take it out.

Orthodontic retainer or retainer: This oral device is used to correct minor problems. Holly retainer is a plastic plate attached to the roof of the mouth that contains several metal hooks that hold it to the teeth and has a wire that is placed in front of the front teeth.

Why should we treat crooked and crowded teeth?

We need to make sure that the teeth and the supporting bone are in the right position to increase the durability and longevity of the teeth. Permanent teeth have no substitute, so you should do your best to make the most of them.

What is a cleft lip?

A cleft lip is a type of facial abnormality that affects parts of the face that do not connect the upper lip and mouth before birth, and babies are born with a cleft lip. These slits can also occur on the roof of the baby’s mouth or palate. This complication occurs early in fetal development due to genetic or environmental factors.

What problems does cleft lip cause for children?

Dental problems: In people with cleft lip, the teeth usually do not grow properly. Teeth may be malformed or misaligned. Irregular teeth affect the appearance of the child and cause them more orthodontic problems.

Chewing problems: Irregular teeth always cause chewing problems for patients. One of the most common problems is that food or fluids may return from the mouth to the nose. To solve this problem, they designed prostheses that allow fluids to flow to the stomach. You can use this prosthesis until the problem of sugar lips is solved.

Speech problems: Cleft lip and palate make it difficult for a child to speak clearly. Talking in the mind of these people is one of their speech problems.
Side effects of cleft lip include recurrent colds, sore throats, ear infections, and tonsillar and adenoid (third tonsil) problems. People with cleft lip and palate accumulate fluid in the middle ear, which increases the risk of ear infections. If left untreated, the patient may become deaf forever.

Can cleft lip be treated with orthodontics? In children with cleft lip, the best time for treatment is between three and six months, which is done by surgery. Craniofacial orthodontic surgeon and a specialist team must be present for surgery.

Babies born with cleft lip usually have more dental problems, so they should have regular orthodontic examinations. Having extra teeth, fewer teeth than normal people, narrow maxilla and crooked teeth are some of the problems that should be treated by orthodontics. Because irregular teeth are very difficult to care for and clean, and the possibility of decay increases.

In general, patients under the age of 21 who are being treated for cleft lip and palate should also receive orthodontic care. When all the diseased teeth have grown, the teeth are arranged orthodontically. Some people who have a cleft lip have a cut in the front gum that needs surgery and a bone graft, which must be done by an orthodontist and incision surgeon. In addition, people with cleft lip and palate may need orthodontic surgery to align the jaw.

How many steps does orthodontic treatment have for cleft lip people?

People who undergo cleft lip treatment should also receive orthodontic treatment. The stages of orthodontic treatment for cleft lip people are divided into four stages.

  1. Neonatal period and before orthodontic surgery. 3 to 6 months is the best time for surgery and treatment of neonatal cleft lip. Craniofacial orthodontists use neonatal orthodontics to treat cleft lip and palate.
  2. Necessary care of deciduous teeth. The condition of the baby’s bone is first examined to make sure the baby can have a bone graft. Treatment begins at 8 to 9 years of age and continues until 10 years of age. The jaw should be flattened so that the baby’s teeth fit together well. Bone graft surgery should be performed to repair lost bone tissue.
  3. Necessary care in the mixed dental period when both deciduous and permanent teeth have grown. At the age of 12 to 13, when a child’s permanent teeth have grown, they must use fixed braces to arrange them.
  4. Treatment when permanent teeth have grown. Bone incision surgery is used to treat dental arch correction. For surgery, the patient must be 18 years old to have a successful outcome.

There are many kinds of problems that can occur within the oral cavity. Here are a few of the most common ones, as well as treatment.

The upper front teeth are forward: The anterior teeth of the maxilla are far ahead of the lower teeth. The lower teeth are sometimes not as forward as they should be.

Distance between the teeth: Patients’ teeth are sometimes spaced apart due to missing teeth or too much space in the mouth. An orthodontist can correct the problem of gaps between teeth with cosmetic treatments. If the problem is not resolved, the teeth are usually wired.

Crowding of teeth: Congestion is a problem for many patients, in which case the teeth overlap or tilt. To correct the problem of the teeth, wiring is usually done to increase the space of the mouth and the teeth are arranged. Sometimes it is necessary to extract teeth to create space.

Problems with the alignment of the midline of the teeth: The fit of the midline refers to the way the back teeth overlap and does not focus too much on the bytes of the front teeth. Problems with midline alignment cause complications for the jaw and proper function of the teeth.

Classification of jaw and dental problems

Malocclusion is divided into three main types as follows:

Class 1: Class 1 malocclusion is when the upper teeth are in front of the lower teeth. Bite is appropriate and normal in this type of malocclusion and the amount of overlap is small. Class 1 malocclusion is the most common type.

Class 2: Class 2 malocclusion is a condition in which there is severe overbite. This disorder, also called retrogenism, means that the upper jaw and teeth are too far forward than the lower jaw and teeth.

Class 3: Class 3 malocclusion is a condition in which there is severe underbite. This disorder, also called prognathism, refers to the anterior mandible. In this case, it covers the lower teeth of the jaw and the upper teeth.

Complications of misaligned teeth

Complications of misaligned teeth can be mild to severe:

Tooth misalignment and crookedness
Disruption of facial fit
Frequent and involuntary biting into the cheeks or tongue
Feeling uncomfortable when chewing or biting food
Speech and language problems
Breathe through the mouth instead of the nose

Misaligned teeth are usually diagnosed during periodic examinations. The dentist examines the teeth and orders an x-ray to make sure the teeth are in good condition. If a tooth is misaligned, the problem is classified according to its type and severity.

Ttreatment: It is easier, faster and cheaper to treat problems related to the disorder and disorder of the teeth at a young age. Orthodontic treatment works best for children and adolescents because the bones are still soft and the teeth can move more easily. Orthodontics takes 6 months to 2 years; The length of treatment depends on the severity of the problem and the extent of the correction required.

Treatment of tooth decay disorders in adults is also often successful, but braces or other orthodontic appliances should be used for longer. Most patients with mild malocclusion do not need treatment; But if the bite disorder is severe, the dentist will refer the patient to an orthodontist. The orthodontist recommends appropriate treatment according to the type of bite disorder.

Dentures are a removable replacement for missing teeth that are custom made of plastic or metal to fit snugly on the gums. A complete denture is used if all teeth are lost, and a fragmented denture is used if several teeth are left.

Complete dentures are available in either “normal” or “immediate” form. Ordinary dentures are placed in the mouth approximately 8 to 12 weeks after tooth extraction after the teeth have been extracted and the gums have healed.

But the denture is immediately prepared in advance and placed in the mouth as soon as the teeth are extracted so that the patient is not toothless while waiting for the gums to heal. Of course, because the bones and gums shrink over time, especially during healing, the disadvantage of instant dentures is that they need more manipulation and adjustment during this time. Therefore, an immediate denture is usually a temporary solution that is used until the original denture is prepared.

Partial removable dentures usually consist of dentures attached to a pink or gum-colored plastic base that attaches to a metal body. This metal body holds the denture in place. A one-piece denture is used if there are one or more natural teeth in the upper or lower jaw. The partial denture is delicate and mobile, has a natural appearance, and instead the hook is attached to the side veneers with internal connections.

A bridge is a fixed form of partial denture that permanently replaces a missing tooth, the teeth on both sides of the cavity are coated, and artificial teeth are attached to them. The bridge is then cemented in place. In addition to filling in the gaps, the bridge also prevents adjacent teeth from moving.

Dental implants can be used as a fixed bridge base to eliminate the need for removable dentures. Of course, the cost of dental implants is higher, but the combination of implants and bridges together creates a more natural tooth feeling in the patient. Implants are gradually replacing dentures, but dental implants are not suitable for all patients.

The process of making dentures takes three to six weeks and is done in several sessions. The prosthodontist, a dentist who specializes in repairing and replacing teeth, determines the best type of denture. The usual steps for preparing dentures are as follows:

Several molds are taken from the jaw and the necessary measurements are made of how the jaws relate to each other and the space between them.

Gypsum, wax or plastic patterns are carefully prepared. The patient tries this model several times, the size, color and shape of the denture are checked before final molding and cutting.

The final denture is molded and prepared.

Some words may become difficult to pronounce after placing a denture in the mouth, in which case try to pronounce difficult words aloud. You will get used to talking with dentures by practicing and over time.

If the denture makes a sound when talking, call your dentist. Dentures may occasionally appear when laughing, coughing or smiling. Move the denture with gentle downward pressure and swallowing saliva. If the problems do not resolve, contact your prosthodontist.

It is best not to use dentures in the following situations:

If the denture is loose and not the size of the mouth, do not use glue, as it can cause discomfort or sore gums. See your dentist for a denture as soon as possible.

If it has been a long time since the last evaluation of dentures by a dentist. The denture is placed on the gum tissue and jawbone, which over time shrinks the gums and breaks down the bone. Therefore, after a while, it may be necessary to manipulate the denture or make a new denture.

If oral hygiene is not well observed.

If the adhesive has been used for a long time, especially if the dentist has not been consulted regularly and the amount and number of times the adhesive has been used arbitrarily has increased.

If the patient is allergic to the ingredients of the adhesive.

Consider the following points when using dentures:

Make the most of it with minimal glue. Apply as little as you think is enough and gradually apply more glue to feel completely comfortable.

Spread the adhesive evenly on the surface of the denture.

Use or renew the adhesive only if necessary.

Always clean your dentures thoroughly before applying the adhesive.

Keep in mind that using glue gives the best results.

Cleaning the dentures

Most denture fractures occur when a tooth falls into the sink while rinsing. Therefore, we always advise patients to fill the sink with a few centimeters of water before brushing the denture so that if the denture is released from their hands, it will fall into the water and not on the hard ceramic surface.

A beautiful baby’s smile is one of the greatest pleasures for parents, however, sometimes their white and pearly teeth may turn yellow or other colors, and your baby’s beautiful smile will affect you. No need to worry because you can take several steps to improve your baby’s tooth color. If your children have discolored teeth that cause you to have insomnia at night, you need to stop worrying, and in this section we will look at the various causes, treatments, and preventative measures you can take to improve your child’s yellowing and other discoloration. Let’s talk. Changing the color of a child’s teeth

What causes pediatric tooth discoloration?

Before we move on, we need to know what has changed the color of the teeth. Well, tooth discoloration may occur when the white or dentin white and the overall white of your baby’s teeth change. Tooth discoloration can be of two types:

Exterior color change and interior color change: External discoloration may be temporary due to the use of certain medications, foods, etc. On the other hand, internal discoloration may occur mainly due to primary medical problems such as metabolic disorders, enamel hypoplasia, and so on.

What causes tooth discoloration and decay of deciduous teeth in children? If you know why your baby’s teeth are yellow, the following reasons may help you better understand him.

  1. Tooth decay or decay: Your child may have tooth decay or perforation due to the activity of bacteria in food particles in your mouth, which may cause discoloration.
  2. Improper oral hygiene: If your child does not follow good oral hygiene and does not brush his teeth regularly, it can lead to plaque formation and therefore tooth discoloration. Poor dental hygiene is one of the most important causes of yellow teeth
  3. Fluorosis: Too much fluoride in your toothpaste may cause too much fluoride in your baby’s mouth; Excess fluoride may cause white streaks or stains on your baby’s teeth.
  4. Specific diseases: Some types of diseases such as hepatitis, high fever, etc. may lead to tooth discoloration in children.
  5. Enamel hypoplasia: This is a genetic condition in which the enamel coating is lost or too thin. This may cause discoloration. Enamel hypoplasia can cause tooth discoloration
  6. Injury: Sometimes damage to the teeth can lead to discoloration of the teeth; This can happen because the blood vessels rupture and the blood affects the enamel.
  7. Use of special drugs: The use of certain medications used during pregnancy, such as tetracycline, which is used to treat vitiligo, may cause discoloration of the baby’s teeth.
  8. Jaundice: Sometimes babies who get severe jaundice after giving birth may have yellow or green teeth.

Sometimes the connection between toothache and earache may cause problems with the mouth and teeth, causing problems for your ears, in which case they should be followed up and treated as soon as possible.

Not all pain in the face and jaw is directly related to the teeth. Sometimes the root cause of these pains may be another factor. This type of earache is called referral pain. Referral earache is a type of earache that does not originate in the ear itself and is heard elsewhere. Sometimes it is possible for a person with pain in the ear to see a doctor, and the doctor will determine where the main source of the pain is.

Referral pain in the head and face is very common. It is difficult and of course important to diagnose these pains. According to a member of the board of the Ear, Throat and Nose Association, 50% of people who see a doctor with earache are the main source of pain in their jaws and teeth. Because the ears have a common sensory nerve with the throat, larynx, and jaw.

If the tooth is infected, it is behind the jaw, the nerve attached to the tooth is either very close or even directly connected to the corner nerve.

Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition that in severe facial pain affects all branches of the fifth cranial nerve (trigeminal nerve) and may even involve the ears.

Gum disease and oral infections can affect other parts of the body as well. Sometimes, if there is gum disease, the bacteria in the gums can be heard and cause an infection in the ear. Abnormal positioning of the teeth in the mouth or dental malformations can lead to pain in the ear. This pain may even be confused with an ear infection. Temporomandibular joint disorders may also be confused with ear infections; conversely, even in some cases, the pain caused by an ear infection may be accompanied by toothache. Because there is a nerve line between the teeth and the ears, the pain from the ear infection may extend to the teeth and gums. Some patients may also think that tooth decay has caused them pain while actually having an ear infection.

Inflammation of the jawbone is another condition that may look like ear pain. Earache can be caused by a wisdom tooth or mill that has not come out completely from the gum skin; Or the condition that the wisdom tooth is completely erupted and has a wrong treatment with other teeth. This causes pain in the joint area and even in the area of ​​his ear. Extracted teeth can also cause jaw muscle spasms, which can cause ear pain.

Many diseases are not directly related to the corner but can irritate and affect the corners. So do not underestimate the problem of your ear. In other words, whatever the ear problem is, it must be diagnosed and treated very soon. Otherwise, it will lead to more acute problems. Problems that affect the corners include pain and tooth infection.

The pain may be widespread on one side of the face and it may not be possible to pinpoint a specific tooth or location as the main source of pain. Also, sometimes a certain part of the face or a certain tooth is introduced as a cause of pain; While the main cause of pain may be another tooth in the front jaw or side teeth. Toothache may also be confused with earache, sinus pain, and other conditions.

In general, dental pain of dental origin can be categorized according to the duration of pain, the frequency of pain, the severity of pain, and more. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between an ear infection and a toothache. Because as we said above, the ear with the throat, larynx and jaw have similar sensory nerves.

The interesting thing to keep in mind is that sometimes the cause of some toothaches is not the teeth themselves. Some medical problems in the body can cause toothache. While the main source of pain is elsewhere than the teeth and the person feels the pain as a toothache.

It is best to see a dentist every 6 months or at most once a year to check your oral health. In addition to keeping your teeth healthy, this reduces the chances of confusing the symptoms of various diseases with toothache.

Modifying the smile design or smile design allows you to have a beautiful and symmetrical smile. It is one of the beautiful manifestations of human creation and in human beings, a beautiful smile is the most pleasant manifestation of creation. Harmony and harmony of the components of the face and the shape of the teeth, which produces a beautiful smile. Achieving this harmony sometimes requires changing the shape of the teeth, the shape of the gums, the length of the teeth and closing the gaps between the teeth to create a beautiful smile. In fact, observing the proportion between the relations between the components of the face, their color and shape creates a suitable and beautiful face.

An experienced cosmetic dentist is someone who is proficient in identifying these relationships and creating the right smile design for each person’s face.

Smile design correction or smile design includes a set of beauty treatments that ultimately lead to a beautiful smile.

These treatments include bleaching, ceramic laminating, composite veneers as well as ceramic veneers, etc. Using these methods, the color, shape, form, position and other items of the teeth are corrected and finally a beautiful and pleasant smile is given to the patient. It becomes.

These treatments can sometimes be done even in people with good dental conditions. Because even small changes in the color and shape of the teeth can make a significant difference in a person’s appearance and smile.

In a beautiful and standard smile, the amount of triangular space between the teeth at the edges of the teeth must follow certain proportions. The upper lip line should pass through the junction of the gingival edge to the teeth while smiling. Also, when smiling, the lower lip line should be parallel to the upper tooth edge.

Normally, the gums of the maxillary anterior teeth are 1 to 1.5 mm in front and below the edge of the mandibular teeth.

Types of smiles:

Mature: In this type of smile, the edges of the anterior teeth are in a straight line. This type of smile indicates intelligence and maturity because at a young age the teeth are not the same size, but when you get older and the edges are not worn, their size becomes the same and therefore usually show teeth that are in a straight line. Gives maturity of intellect and expertise.

Oval: In this type of smile, the two front teeth are taller than the two teeth next to each other. This type of smile design is a sign of youth and courage and can also show warmth and intimacy. For those who have prominent lips, this type of smile design is more beautiful.

Enhanced: This type of smile is between the two types of previous smile designs. The two front teeth are longer than the side teeth. This smile indicates being unserious and informal.

A beautiful smile, in addition to increasing self-confidence, also has a positive effect on the quality of life and general health of the body. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with a mesmerizing smile, but fortunately a beautiful smile can be acquired and there are many different ways to achieve a perfect and dreamy smile. We are all familiar with the oldest method of arranging teeth, the metal braces. Of course, today there are many other methods with the help of cosmetic dentistry that can be used to beautify teeth and modify a unique smile design.

If you are looking for the right treatment to align your teeth, there are several ways to help you. For example, you can use different types of braces such as metal braces or invisible orthodontics, or try contouring or veneers such as veneers and composite bonding.

The use of orthodontic braces is an effective way to straighten and align teeth. With the help of orthodontics, the angle of the teeth can be corrected and the health of the teeth can be improved. Preventing tooth decay and better chewing of food are the reasons why it is important to arrange the teeth, which orthodontics allows. Teeth alignment with orthodontics works best for children, however, many adults also use orthodontics to correct defects in their teeth and jaws. Sometimes orthodontics requires extra teeth in the mouth, which must be done with the approval of your dentist.

Orthodontics usually consists of brackets and wires as well as braces that hold the wire in place. Brackets may be made of metal, ceramic, composite or a combination of these materials. The brace moves the teeth in the correct position by applying constant pressure. The brace must be used for at least one to two years for the brace to take effect.

Benefits of braces:

Orthodontics has a brilliant history in correcting dental and jaw deformities.

The braces successfully align the teeth and keep the teeth straight for years.

Orthodontics is very effective for children, because it guides the growing teeth to the correct position and angle.

Disadvantages of braces:

High cost

Food particles get stuck between the wires and the brace is difficult to clean

The patient must thoroughly clean the teeth regularly or else wait for the teeth to decay.

Sometimes, after removing the brace, holes are seen on the surface of the tooth.

It may break the metal wire or cut the gums.

After the active orthodontic course, the retainer plate should be used for some time. The most important weakness of braces is that they are obvious and not very aesthetically pleasing, which embarrasses some patients.

Invisible orthodontics

Invisalign plaque is virtually invisible and is made of thermoplastic material that is very similar to teeth. The patient should use invisible orthodontic plates for at least a year to keep the teeth in the desired position.

Invisible orthodontic benefits:

Being almost invisible, those around you do not notice the presence of plaque on the teeth from a distance.

Very comfortable

Invisible orthodontic emergencies are less common, as there is no wire that can become dislocated or damage the gums.

Oral hygiene is easy during treatment; Because the patient can remove plaque from the mouth before brushing.

Because plaque can be removed, the patient can eat whatever he wants.

If the patient has perseverance and commitment and uses the plaque according to the specialist’s instructions, invisible orthodontics will fix the teeth well.

Invisible orthodontic weaknesses:

Regularly removing plaque before eating and brushing is tedious.

If the patient does not use the device for 22 hours a day according to the specialist’s instructions, the teeth will not move.

Invisible orthodontics is more expensive than dental wiring and most orthodontic treatments.

Temporary speaking tongue: The patient experiences minor speech problems and speaking tongue tip at the beginning and until accustomed to invisible orthodontics.

Sometimes there is a bitter taste in the mouth that cannot be eliminated by eating sweets. Bitterness in the mouth depends on various factors and with some measures, this taste change can be eliminated. A bitter or bad taste in the mouth can be a natural reaction to spicy foods.

Taste is a complex sensation that can be caused by many factors, such as poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, or pregnancy. Treating a persistent bitter taste in the mouth can be controlled with some simple home remedies.

A bitter and persistent taste in the mouth is medically known as taste insufficiency. This taste has been described as an unpleasant taste and can last for a long time until the cause is determined. It has already been said in the wet health section that people with taste insufficiency may experience a persistent unpleasant unpleasant taste.

The taste can hardly be changed for a short time by eating or anything else. A person may still feel the bitter taste even after brushing.

Many of the causes of bitter taste in the mouth are not serious; however, the symptoms can irritate or interfere with a person’s regular diet or enjoy their daily life.

The following conditions can cause a bitter taste in the mouth:

Dry mouth: Dry mouth is also known as dry mouth and occurs when the mouth does not secrete enough saliva. Because saliva helps reduce bacteria in the mouth, having less saliva means more live bacteria in the mouth. People with dry mouth experience a feeling of stickiness and dryness in their mouth, which can be due to factors such as medication, smoking or pre-existing disorders. A person also experiences dry mouth with a stuffy nose. Because breathing through the mouth causes it to dry out. People with persistent dry mouth should consult their doctor for a diagnosis.

Oral issues: Poor oral hygiene can also cause a bitter taste in the mouth or may increase cavities, infections and gum disease or gingivitis. Many common oral and dental problems can be eliminated or prevented by brushing or flossing. The use of antibacterial mouthwash while brushing also minimizes harmful bacteria.

Pregnancy: Many pregnant women complain of a bitter taste or metal in their mouths in the first 3 months. The body’s hormones fluctuate during pregnancy, and this fluctuation can affect the senses, which can make the taste of some foods unbearable. This taste disappears with the progression of pregnancy or after childbirth.

Burning mouth syndrome: Burning syndrome is a condition that causes a burning sensation in the mouth. This feeling can be completely different, but many describe it as eating hot peppers. In addition, some people can feel the bitter taste in the mouth. Symptoms of mouth burning syndrome may be sporadic but can also be chronic and long-lasting. Some people with this syndrome may have trouble eating or drinking, while others may not have these symptoms.

Menopause: Menopausal women may experience a bitter taste in their mouth, which is due to low levels of estrogen in the body, and may also be due to dry mouth.

Thrush: A yeast infection in the mouth often causes white spots on the tongue, mouth and throat. It may also cause a bitter or unpleasant taste in the mouth, and may persist until the infection is cured.

Acid reflux: Gastric acid reflux disease can be an unwanted source of bitterness in the mouth. This condition occurs when a muscle or sphincter in the upper abdomen weakens, causing acid or bile to enter the food tube and grow there.