In some cases, your child may need to have a tooth extracted. Pediatric dentists usually recommend that these extractions be performed in different positions. Here are some things in which a child may need to have a tooth extracted.

Severely damaged teeth: If your child has a mouth injury, he or she may break his or her teeth or become loose from the impact. This could be due to a car accident, sports injury, skating boarding time, cycling, or a variety of other reasons. In such cases, you should make an appointment with an emergency dentist as soon as possible. They can examine the child and help if the tooth is compensable.

In some cases, the pediatric dentist puts a veneer or cap on the broken tooth, but in other cases, this may not be the only way to save the tooth. So the dentist sees the possibility of needing a tooth extraction. The child can be placed under local anesthesia in addition to receiving nitric oxide. So it will be a painless method.

Decayed teeth: There have also been cases where a child’s teeth may be so decayed that they need to be pulled. For example, if a child has very deep caries in his front baby teeth, the dentist recommends that the tooth be extracted. However, this usually happens in very severe cases.

Caries occur when the sugar in food and beverages is eaten by bacteria in the mouth and produces acid. Every time your baby eats sugary foods, these acids attack the enamel, causing it to soften and break down. The acid attack may continue for up to an hour after eating or drinking sugary foods, until the natural salts in the saliva re-enamel and harden the enamel. It is not just sugar that can damage teeth: Other types of carbohydrates can also be consumed by bacteria and produce acid. (These are “fermentable” carbohydrates: for example, “hidden sugars” in processed foods, natural sugars in fruits, and cooked starches.) Always pay attention to the contents.

Eating sugary and acidic foods and drinking between meals can increase the chance of decay because your baby’s teeth are constantly attacked and they do not have time to recover. That’s why it’s important for your child not to eat sugary foods on a regular basis throughout the day.

Extraction of wisdom teeth: Wisdom tooth extraction usually occurs when the patient is a teenager, but in some cases, dentists recommend that younger children can also have their teeth extracted. This surgical procedure can be performed under local anesthesia.

Preparation for orthodontic treatment: One of the reasons dentists always try to hold their child’s teeth is because they can be a guide for their permanent and adult teeth. Basically, baby teeth play the role of a permanent tooth retainer. Prevents other teeth from moving to the point where the adult tooth has already grown.

However, in some cases, dentists need to take the opposite approach. Instead of saving and maintaining deciduous teeth that preserve permanent tooth space, deciduous teeth need to be extracted. If that tooth has crowded the child’s mouth, or blocked the growth of a new tooth, tooth extraction is necessary. This is usually done as part of orthodontic treatment.

Gum disease is a type of gingivitis that is usually caused by a bacterial infection. If gum disease is not treated in time, it can lead to a more serious infection called periodontitis. Gum disease and periodontitis are the main causes of tooth loss in adults.

Causes of gum disease: Your gums are usually attached to your teeth at points lower and deeper than the edges of the gums we see on the surface. This condition of the gums and teeth creates a space between them. Food particles may get trapped inside this space, causing gum infection or gum disease.

Dental plaque is a thin layer of plaque made up of bacteria. This layer forms continuously on the surface of your teeth. As plaque expands and thickens, it becomes a harder layer of tooth mass called tartar. When plaque forms in the lower part of the gum line, it can cause an infection in this part.

If gum disease is not diagnosed and treated early, it can cause the gums to separate from the teeth. In this case, the soft tissues around the tooth and the bone that supports the tooth are also damaged. As a result, the tooth may become loose and unstable. If the infection progresses further than this, your teeth may eventually disappear or you may need to have your teeth extracted by a dentist.

Risk factors that can cause gum disease include:

Smoking or chewing tobacco


Taking certain medications (such as birth control pills, oral steroids, antiepileptic drugs, calcium channel blockers, and medications used for chemotherapy)

Crooked and irregular teeth

Prostheses (dentures) and night guards (mouth guards) that are not well placed.

Fracture or cracking of tooth filling


Genetic factors

Immune system disorders (such as people living with AIDS or HIV)

Signs and symptoms of gum disease: Many people do not know they have gum disease. A person may have gum disease without any obvious symptoms. However, the following are the most important symptoms of gum disease.

Redness, tenderness, and swelling of the gums

Bleeding gums while brushing or flossing

Decomposition of the gums or its separation from the teeth

Loosening of teeth

Changes in the way teeth are stacked when biting or chewing food (dental malformation)

Formation of plaque or pus between the teeth and gums

Toothache when chewing food

Sensitivity and vulnerability of teeth

Change the way dentures fit inside your mouth so that they no longer fit in your mouth.

Bad breath that does not go away after brushing your teeth.

Diagnoses of Gum Disease: During the examination, the condition of your gums is checked using a small drawing line. This test is done to diagnose any possible infection at the gum site. The size of the envelopes around your teeth is also measured in this way. The usual depth of the envelopes is between 1 and 3 mm. Your dentist may also order an x-ray of your teeth to check for possible bone damage.

Talk to your dentist about the risk factors for gum disease and the symptoms of these diseases. This will help you to better diagnose yourself if you have gum disease. If the tests show that you have gum disease, your dentist may refer you to a periodontist. A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in treating gum disease.

Treatment of gum disease: To treat periodontitis, it is necessary to observe good oral hygiene. You should also quit smoking and control your diabetes. Other treatments for gum disease include deep cleaning and scaling of teeth, the use of antibiotics, and surgery.

There are several methods that can be used to deep clean teeth without surgery. All of these methods prevent periodontitis by removing plaque and tartar.

Scaling removes tartar from the upper and lower parts of the gum line.

Deep scaling removes hard, rough stains on the tooth and removes infected parts of the tooth.

A laser that removes tartar stains and is associated with less pain and bleeding compared to scaling and scaling.


There are several medications that can be used to treat gum disease:

Antibiotic mouthwash that contains chlorhexidine and can be used to disinfect the mouth.

Antibiotic microspheres made of minocycline can be placed in sachets after scaling and scaling.


If none of the non-surgical treatments for your gum infection work, your dentist may recommend surgery. There are several different surgeries to treat gingivitis, including gingivectomy, flap surgery, and even tooth extraction.

Disruption of hormonal balance during pregnancy may cause toothache during this period. In addition, elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone can make pregnant women more susceptible to infection and tooth decay. Toothache in pregnancy can also be caused by gum disease, wisdom teeth, gingivitis, tooth decay and calcium deficiency (due to the fetus’ need for calcium).

Treatment of toothache in pregnancy:

Toothache treatment is very important in pregnancy, because if not treated in time, this pain may lead to gum disease and in more severe cases, adverse effects on the fetus. On the other hand, the treatment of toothache in pregnancy has challenges due to the prohibition of using X-rays for photography and the use of some drugs.

Many women are very cautious about taking painkillers and prescription drugs during pregnancy because they can cause harm to the fetus. However, advanced medical treatments are very safe for the fetus today.

The best way to treat toothache in pregnancy at any time during pregnancy is to see a dentist. But in addition to going to the dentist and receiving a variety of painkillers, there are several home remedies, natural and without side effects for temporary relief of pain that you can use. These methods include:

Use of cloves for toothache in pregnancy:

One of the most effective pain relievers for pregnant women is the use of cloves or clove oil. You can chew cloves or dip a cotton ball in clove oil and put it on your teeth. The antimicrobial properties of cloves can immediately relieve pain.

Use of warm compresses for toothache in pregnancy:

Soak a cloth in warm water and place it outside the mouth on the cheek and where you feel pain. This method temporarily relieves and reduces pain.

Use of ice packs to treat toothache in pregnancy:

One of the safest and most effective treatments for toothache for pregnant women is the use of cold compresses on the sore spot. You can soak a cloth in ice water or place an ice pack outside the mouth on the sore spot. This method reduces pain by numbing the nerves in that area.

Using onions for toothache in pregnancy:

Chewing some raw onions for 3 minutes can reduce toothache. If the toothache is severe enough to prevent chewing, you can put some raw onion on the aching tooth.

Use of garlic for toothache in pregnancy:

Garlic is an old treatment for relieving toothache. During pregnancy, you can chew garlic or put crushed garlic on your teeth. Garlic contains antibiotics and allicin, which kills bacteria. As the number of bacteria decreases, so does the toothache. Garlic therapy is one of the methods to relieve immediate pain.

Use of spinach leaves for toothache in pregnancy:

Chew raw spinach leaves or crush them directly on the sore spot.

Avoid sugary foods:

If you have a toothache during pregnancy, you should avoid eating sweets and foods that contain sugar, because these substances lead to an increase in dental plaque and more toothache.

Brushing your teeth with warm water:

The easiest way to treat a toothache is to brush your teeth with warm water. You can add a very small amount of salt to lukewarm water and brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth, in addition to relieving pain, removes food particles left between the teeth.

Cause of toothache in pregnancy:

There are several possible causes for toothache in pregnancy. These factors include:

Nausea and morning sickness due to stomach acid entering the mouth may be a cause of toothache during pregnancy and tooth decay.

Hormonal imbalance may also be another cause of toothache in pregnancy because with the imbalance of female hormones in this period, the risk of gingivitis and various diseases of the teeth and gums increases.

Also, during pregnancy, the body’s sources of calcium are reduced due to the supply of calcium needed by the fetus, and if you do not receive enough calcium, the enamel is destroyed and causes toothache.

Changes in the pregnant mother’s diet during pregnancy may also be the cause of toothache during pregnancy. To avoid dental problems during this period, it is better to avoid consuming too much dairy or sugar products.

During pregnancy, due to the sensitivity of the teeth and gums, brushing may be difficult, which in itself can cause problems for the teeth.

Tooth extraction in pregnancy:

Most dentists avoid tooth extraction during pregnancy because it requires special care and attention during pregnancy to prevent any damage to the fetus.
However, extraction of teeth during pregnancy is sometimes necessary, such as causing severe and incurable caries or spreading infection. Here are some of the symptoms that indicate the need for tooth extraction in pregnancy:

Causing swelling and inflammation of the gums;

Bleeding gums;

Creating problems when speaking;

Severe pain in the gums and teeth;

Having trouble eating food;

Severe tooth decay.

Oral thrush happens when a yeast infection develops inside your mouth. It’s also known as oral candidiasis, oropharyngeal candidiasis, or simply thrush. Oral thrush most often occurs in infants and toddlers. It causes white or yellowish bumps to form on the inner cheeks and tongue.

It is mainly inherited, but environmental or allergic factors can also occur. it is a small sore that is white, gray with a red border on various parts of the mouth, including the tongue, inside the cheeks, and the surface.

Oral thrush is not contagious and heals on its own after a week, but sometimes the disease becomes so painful and makes it difficult to eat that people generally try to treat the disease as soon as possible to lose Get rid of your pest.

Pests occur in 3 types. Pests that are small and 80% common. Large pests that are 10 percent common and herpes pests that are also 10 percent common and people get infected.

Symptoms of oral thrush:

Round white or gray sores with red circles

Ulcers in the mouth that are shallow and small and have a red border and occur in the throat, gums, cheeks and even behind the lips.

Pain or burning in the mouth bothers the person the most when eating, and if it appears on the lips, the person experiences more pain because the person experiences pain and tolerance when talking and laughing.

Causes of mouth sores:


Injury to the mouth and gums when brushing

Hormonal changes, especially in women due to menstruation

Deficiency of vitamin b12 and folic acid in the body

Digestive problems

Quitting Smoking

Oral cancer

Head and neck radiotherapy

The presence of herpes virus in the body

Diagnosis of oral thrush:

Blood test

Evaluation of vitamin B12 and folic acid levels in the body

Cultivation of wounds

Treatment of oral thrush:

The pest usually heals on its own after one to two weeks, but in order to reduce the time of this disease, it can be treated earlier with home methods.

Avoid certain foods: To treat the pest, it is better to avoid spicy, salty and acidic foods because these foods stop the healing process and the pest disappears later, and also avoid hot foods to reduce your pain and do not get pain.

Wash with salt: Saline solution in the mouth for 30 seconds and by raising the concentration of sodium chloride and collecting membrane water around the mouth helps to heal abscesses and mouth ulcers.

Ice: Sucking ice during burning and inflammation in the mouth relieves pain and also reduces blood flow to the area due to the cold ice and reduces inflammation and redness in that area.

Black tea: Using tea bags directly on the pest is one of the ways to treat this disease, or you can use iced tea as a mouthwash and take it out of your mouth. The presence of tannins in the tea will heal your wounds.

Zinc: Zinc deficiency or zinc can be one of the causes of pests. Daily consumption of zinc 50 to 100% helps to eliminate the pest of your mouth, but for long-term use of this drug must be under the supervision of a doctor and self-medication of this drug Do not use.

Vitamin E: Another treatment for oral plague is to open the vitamin E capsule and place it directly on the affected area, and this method, due to covering the wound surface and preventing infection, cures the plague as soon as possible and the person sooner. Pests recover naturally.

Apple vinegar: Combine apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water and use it as a daily mouthwash. Apple cider vinegar, due to its acetic acid, kills bad and dangerous bacteria in the mouth and also helps good bacteria. This mouthwash is available to everyone and helps to treat the pest, which acts as an antibiotic. .

Baking soda: Baking soda is an alkaline substance. Acids cause the pest to accumulate in the mouth and cause pain and burning, and the consumption of baking soda neutralizes them and helps kill bacteria, thus improving the oral pest and eliminating it. The substance can be made from the trick of a teaspoon with a glass of lukewarm water and used as a mouthwash.

Sage: Sage is a plant that kills viruses and germs and reduces inflammation and eliminates it. You can use this plant to prepare it dried from perfumers and boiled in water. And mix hot and after using this solution as a mouthwash 2 to 3 times a day to see improvement.

Going to the doctor: When your mouth sores are accompanied by fever, diarrhea, headache, or skin rash, it is best to see a doctor, as well as large pests and pests that have lasted more than one to two weeks and have not improved. Should be treated under the supervision of a doctor so that if there are other reasons and the problem is serious, you should be informed as soon as possible and find a solution.

Correcting the shape and size of teeth or aligning teeth is a cost-effective, cost-effective approach to correcting the design of a smile and having a smile. Beautification and scaling of teeth is one of the cosmetic dental treatments that causes subtle and minor changes in the teeth. But these small changes make a big difference.

Correcting the shape and size of the teeth One of the easiest ways to correct the fullness of the lips is a lack of one hand or a slight misalignment of the teeth, which puts a more attractive smile on the lips. Dentists often correct and align teeth at the same time as another treatment called bonding. The front teeth are the best option for correcting the shape and bonding. Tooth beautification brings higher self-confidence to the patient due to the significant correction of the roughness of the teeth and the alignment of the teeth. Teeth alignment and bonding are less expensive and shorter than dental wiring and other orthodontic procedures.

To correct the shape and size of the tooth or to align the tooth is one of the cosmetic dental methods in which a small amount of enamel, ie the outer layer covering the tooth, is cut to correct the shape, height or surface of one or more teeth. Sometimes it is enough to cut a few millimeters of the tooth in the right place to make the tooth more beautiful. Correction of tooth shape and size is often done along with bonding. Bonding is another cosmetic dental procedure in which the shape of the tooth is modified using composites of the same color as the tooth. Shaping and aligning teeth is sometimes the first step in more expensive cosmetic dentistry, such as veneers, teeth whitening, and crown lengthening, which can take months or even years after cosmetic tooth extraction. But if you do not want to spend a lot of time and money on expensive cosmetic dental treatments, correcting the shape of the teeth and aligning the teeth will bring a beautiful smile on your lips.

Problems that can be corrected by measuring teeth: Defects or problems such as partial overlap or abnormal shape of the teeth, partial filling or fracture of the lip, or excessive sharpness of the canines can often be remedied by partial grinding of the teeth to correct and align the teeth.


Although cosmetic dentistry is a maintenance method for changing the appearance of teeth, it is better to check the strengths and weaknesses of this method before making a decision to make sure it is appropriate. The benefits of correcting the shape and size of the teeth are as follows:

Lower Cost: Shaving your teeth is a cheap way to have a more attractive smile. The cost of this procedure is usually determined by each tooth and the extent of the treatment. If the tooth defect is the result of an injury or accident, the insurance will pay part of the cost.

Painless: Because only superficial enamel is cut, the patient does not feel any discomfort or pain during treatment and does not need anesthesia.

Promoting dental health: Elimination of minor dental overlaps and other defects that can be the site of plaque and plaque accumulation reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Orthodontic alternative: Correcting and aligning teeth can sometimes be an alternative to orthodontics, as this simple method can also align teeth and eliminate overlap and irregularities.

Correcting and aligning teeth is the best method for people who want to make only minor changes to their teeth or whose teeth need a minor restoration. This procedure is recommended for patients whose teeth are slightly crooked or irregular or too sharp or one side of the tooth is more protruding than the other. Of course, cosmetic dentures are not suitable for decayed, denervated, or unhealthy gums.

Correction of tooth shape is done using special dental tools and abrasion techniques. The dentist carefully cuts the enamel with a laser or drill. Before starting the treatment, the teeth are photographed to check the location and amount of pulp and to make sure that the teeth are healthy. The dentist then marks the areas needed for sharpening and beautification with a pencil. The dentist then cuts the deformed areas, shortens the tooth, or manipulates the abnormal tooth to fit the rest of the tooth and correct problems with the bite or misaligned teeth. The dentist removes or minimizes surface imperfections with special polishing tools and sometimes scales the sides of the teeth with sandpaper-like strips. The dentist eventually straightens and polishes the teeth. Correction of tooth shape and size sometimes requires only a 30-minute session, although the duration of treatment depends on its extent.

If the shape of the tooth is corrected along with the bonding, the dentist can correct the filling and the distance between the teeth, make the tooth more beautiful and its color better. Before applying the resin, the dentist applies a dermal device such as acid to the tooth surface so that the resin adheres well to the tooth. Because this causes tooth sensitivity, the dentist may anesthetize the tooth. The dentist sometimes applies a preparation fluid to the tooth to strengthen the bond between the resin and the tooth. The dentist forms the resin and finally dries and hardens it with light. Bonding lasts 30 minutes to an hour, if beautification is more than one tooth, the patient is given several sessions.

Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure performed to determine more of the tooth structure so that the tooth can be properly repaired. Prolonging or lengthening the crown, as the name implies, occurs when the tooth is not long enough to be maintained in restorative treatments such as veneers. This is a surgical procedure that provides restored teeth with better function and longer life.


Crown lengthening, unlike many cosmetic dental treatments, only needs to be done once, after which there is no need for any manipulation or repetition of the same procedure. After this treatment, in addition to making the smile more symmetrical and wider, the health of the teeth also improves. The risk of tooth decay decreases after the crown is raised, because the more exposed the tooth is, the greater the impact of brushing and flossing. This surgery is short and usually completes in 30 to 60 minutes.


Tooth fracture: The tooth sometimes breaks along or below the gum line. If the tooth needs a large filling, the crown should be raised to reveal more of the tooth structure.

Insufficient tooth structure:
Sometimes tooth decay and perforation are so extensive that they cannot be repaired even by denervation. In this case, the veneer is the best way to repair the tooth and restore the function of the decayed tooth. Caries sometimes extend below the gum line, so a simple veneer may not be enough to preserve it. After tooth decay, not enough of the tooth structure may remain to be veneered. Improper dental veneers cause chronic irritation and inflammation.

Increasing the length of the tooth crown is therefore the best solution that makes it possible to repair a larger part of the tooth in a proper way. The veneer that is placed on the tooth after increasing the length of the crown is stronger and more durable.

Cosmetic Surgery

Sometimes the teeth look short, but they are actually tall and only cover a large amount of the gums. Increasing the length of the crown corrects cosmetic problems such as a gingival smile. As the tooth grows taller, the smile becomes more beautiful. In addition, after increasing the length of the tooth crown, the fit between the width and the length of the tooth also improves. Increasing the length of the tooth crown can be done along with other cosmetic treatments or alone to correct the smile pattern.

Increasing the length of the tooth crown is not suitable for everyone. It is not necessary to increase the length of the crown for patients who need a veneer. But if the crack or tooth decay hole is deep enough that it can be easily veneered, the durability and strength of the veneer will increase as the crown length of the tooth increases. In addition, by lifting the crown, it is easier to clean the teeth and it can be brushed and flossed well to maximize the life of the new veneer.

Treatment steps

The dentist performs this surgery in the office by injecting a local anesthetic. Of course, the patient receives sedation if necessary so that there is no fear or anxiety during treatment.

After the treatment area is anesthetized, the dentist begins to measure and shape the extra gum tissue and bone. The dentist first makes incisions in the tissue and removes the gums from the tooth. In most cases, a small amount of gum tissue is also needed.

Once a sufficient part of the tooth structure has been identified, the dentist rinses the area well with saline solution and completes the procedure by suturing the gums. Surgical wounds are sometimes closed with a special dressing. After this simple surgery, a larger part of the natural structure of the tooth is identified and a better foundation is obtained for a more efficient and durable veneer. After lifting the crown, the veneer is placed on it. Since the bony part of the tooth has been manipulated and even removed, the dentist will take all precautions so that the patient is completely comfortable. This treatment takes about one to two hours.

Laser crown lengthening

Increasing the length of the tooth crown can be done in a simpler method called electrosurgery. In this treatment, a laser device is used to measure the gums and mark the teeth, but the bone is not manipulated. Electrosurgery is usually performed only for minor cases and is not suitable for deep fillings or fractures.

The period of recovery

The dentist prescribes medication to manage the pain or discomfort, provides the patient with a special mouthwash, and provides the necessary care recommendations for the recovery period. Oral hygiene should be observed as usual; Of course, it is better not to irritate the gum area for a few weeks.

The dentist asks the patient to come in a week later to have the stitches removed. After the stitches are removed, it takes some time for the gums to heal, after which the dentist completes the restoration or cosmetic treatment of the tooth.

The age of teething varies from child to child, but the baby’s first teeth usually appear around the age of 6 months. Some babies may not have had them before, at 3 months, or some may not have had them until their first birthday.

What are the signs and symptoms of tooth extraction?

Teething is generally associated with gum and jaw discomfort. The tooth moves below the surface of the gum tissue. This area may look a little red and swollen. Some teeth may be more sensitive when they are coming out. Others may cause more discomfort due to their larger surface. Symptoms that occur with teething include:

The gums are red and swollen at the site of the tooth.

Some babies may have problems.

Some may have a slight increase in body temperature (less than 101 degrees Fahrenheit) or 38.3 degrees Celsius.

Water flowing from the mouth.

Restlessness or decreased sleep due to gum discomfort.

Refusal to eat food due to pain in the gum area.

Touching the mouth.

Mild rash around the mouth due to skin irritation, secondary to excessive water infiltration.

Rubbing the cheek or ear area as a result of recurrent pain during tooth extraction.

What are the symptoms of tooth extraction?

Fever: Because tooth eruption is a normal physiological process, the association with fever and systemic disorders is not justified. Any fever above 101 ° F is not associated with tooth extraction.


Cold symptoms.

Runny nose and cough.

Long-term fault.

Other serious illnesses such as seizures, ear infections, respiratory infections and even death have been mistakenly attributed to tooth decay.
Does teething cause fever in children?

Many still believe that a child can have a fever while teething (even health care providers!) But the results of well-done medical research have shown that temperatures above 101 degrees Fahrenheit Teething is not related. If there is a fever during this period, it is a mere accident and must be caused by something else.

However, if you compare the body temperature of a child who is having a tooth extracted with a child who is not having a tooth extracted, his or her temperature may be a little high, but this increase is not important enough to be called a fever. Do they have a little fever? Most teeth appear between 4 and 15 months during this time, and babies become more active and mobile. They learn to crawl and walk. They are often immediately exposed to a wider range of infections. And putting them in your mouth is a common thing they do. When your baby starts crawling around, this is a great way to catch a virus that may then lead to a fever.

How to manage the pain of teething your child?

Use these several teething solutions to help manage your child’s teething

Try to be available for support when your child is in pain.

Reduce your baby’s discomfort by offering something cool to chew on (such as a damp bath towel or cold pacifier or teething ring).

Try not to use frozen objects that may cause frostbite.

Do not give your child any hard food like raw carrots, it may cause suffocation.

Do not try to give your child toothpaste because it may contain a lot of sugar.

When removing a tooth, massage your baby with a clean finger to help the tooth emerge and emerge from the cleft.

Acetaminophen or pills can help relieve the pain and discomfort of constant teething, but consult your doctor before offering any treatment.

Over-the-counter tooth extraction gels that contain topical analgesics can help reduce pain, but should be used with caution and only with a doctor’s advice.

Inflammation of the gums before a complete eruption of the crown of the tooth may cause temporary pain, but it will usually subside within a few days. It is not necessary to remove the gum coating on the tooth to help the tooth appear.

When should you see a doctor?

See your doctor if your child has a fever (above 101 ° F), diarrhea, vomiting and other important issues such as seizures.

Hyperdontia is the growth of extra teeth that should not normally be present. Normally, the number of deciduous teeth is 20 and the number of permanent teeth is 32. Primary teeth are the primary teeth that begin to grow and protrude from the gums from infancy and gradually fall out at school age and are replaced by permanent teeth. At the age of 21, all permanent teeth are usually extracted. A condition in which the number of deciduous teeth is more than 20 or the number of permanent teeth is more than 32 is called extra teeth.

Extra teeth may occur in any part of the dental arch but are often seen as permanent teeth in the position of the lateral front teeth in the maxilla. After that, the most common causes of extra teeth are related to the teeth of the upper and lower maxilla. Extra teeth usually grow in the form of extra latent wisdom teeth. The extra maxillary anterior tooth is called the mesiodens and the four extra-large molars are called the distodens or distomolars. The extra baby tooth that is seen shortly after birth is called a natal tooth.

Extra teeth occur in about one percent to four percent of the population, and the ratio of men to women is two to one. Most extra teeth are limited to one tooth, but sometimes several rows of teeth may protrude.

Identification of extra teeth should be done as soon as possible because extra teeth cause cosmetic and functional problems for the person. Extra teeth essentially cause clinical problems that can usually be treated with tooth extraction if possible.

Extra teeth may obstruct the protrusion of adjacent teeth and cause clutter and clogging of the teeth, in which case orthodontic treatment should be corrected in the future if treatment is not done early.

Also, failure to treat extra teeth in a timely manner can lead to cysts or tumors.

Extra teeth may prevent the permanent teeth from coming out normally or even stick to them. In such cases, the teeth may be subject to decay.

Excess teeth cause other teeth to tilt, making it difficult to chew food.

What are the reasons for extra teeth coming out?

Researchers have not yet found a definite cause for the growth of extra teeth in the mouth. However, genetics is believed to play a role.

Extra teeth can be caused by mouth problems such as cleft lip and palate.

Extra teeth are a condition that may be associated with certain conditions, including Gardner’s syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

Usually, people do not notice the presence of extra teeth in the jaw until the whole set of deciduous teeth grows. Extra teeth form in the early stages of tooth development. At this stage, the tooth bud opens and two teeth are formed, one of which is an unnecessary extra tooth.

What is the treatment for extra teeth?

Extra teeth cannot be prevented. The main treatment for this condition is tooth extraction. However, aligning the extra teeth with the adjacent teeth is also an option that should be considered. The consequences of this treatment may be beneficial. If this treatment causes problems for adjacent teeth, the only possible way is to extract extra teeth.

If the extra tooth does not cause any problems, it is better to leave it to avoid the complications and complications related to extra tooth extraction such as cutting or cutting off blood and nerve vessels, improper protrusion of teeth, ankylosis, maxillary tuberculosis fracture, and at risk. Avoid getting the maxillary sinus and pterygomaxillary space.

Extract extra teeth

Surgery may be needed depending on the location of the extra tooth. Tooth extraction is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on the severity and complexity of the problem.

To prevent any future dental problems, you should see your child’s orthodontist from the age of seven. In this examination, the orthodontist can detect the presence of extra teeth and treat them before more serious problems occur. You should consult a dentist to check for any dental condition.

It is impossible to say that human body parts are safe from any injury or pain. Jaw deformity is a condition in which a person’s upper and lower jaw teeth are not perfectly aligned with each other. For example, one of the orthodontic abnormalities is an overbite or a condition in which the maxillary teeth cover the front mandibular teeth too much. Signs and symptoms of these disorders can be varied and complex, including pain, tenderness of the jaw, pain in and around the ear, difficulty opening the mouth completely, discomfort when chewing, pain and sound in the joint Or locking the temporomandibular joint so that it is difficult for the patient to open and close the mouth.

Such a situation is never easy to live with. However, with the widespread advancement of health technologies, dentists and orthodontists are familiar with several treatments for this problem.

Symptoms of maxillofacial malformation: The effect of jaw deformity is not only physical but also on a person’s mood. This regional disorder leads to eating, breathing, sleeping, talking, and even discomfort jaws even at rest. These problems vary from person to person depending on the type of disorder, the patient’s pain threshold, age, the severity of the disorder, and so on. However, doctors and experts in this field have identified three main issues that most people face with this condition.

The description of these disorders is as follows:

Difficulty chewing: Unfortunately, jaw abnormalities will cause the upper and lower jaws to overlap when chewing food. This will cause pain and discomfort and incomplete chewing of food, leading to digestive problems.

Abnormal breathing: This condition can put a person in a tight spot and force them to breathe through the mouth, which can cause other health problems because breathing through the nose removes a significant percentage of environmental and respiratory air pollution. This will not happen when you breathe. Mouth breathing itself causes many jaw problems, including jaw stenosis, which is available in the mouth breathing section of another site.

Abnormal appearance: The deformation and structure of a person’s face is one of the most obvious signs that appear in his appearance. Babies who have been breastfeeding continuously for a long time or who are accustomed to sucking their thumb develop jaw irregularities at an early age. In this case, not only the appearance of the face and face are affected but also makes him a shy person without self-confidence.

Treatment of maxillofacial malformations: People who suffer from this condition have different treatment options in dentistry. The first step is always a specialist consultation with an orthodontist or orthodontist to evaluate and make initial examinations of the maxillary deformity.

Correcting bad habits such as gnashing teeth, chewing lips, chewing tongue, chewing nails, finger chewing is one of the appropriate solutions. A good option is to use a mouth guard or Night Guard at night, which can prevent bruxism.

In some cases, orthodontic wires are another solution. This gradually moves the teeth in the jaw to fit together regularly and the jaw position is in its normal position.

Surgical options, if your doctor recommends it. In this method, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon usually solves the problem with the coordination of the orthodontist. Usually, this option is only necessary when there is a large and serious structural problem in the jaw and the other options can not easily reduce the difficult conditions and return the jaw to normal.

Jaw deformities can cause a lot of pain and should not be allowed to continue, so immediate treatment is needed to prevent it from getting worse.

After filling the tooth, the anesthetic effect wears off in about one to three hours. Until the anesthetic effect wears off, you should be careful never to chew anything with the numb side of the mouth to prevent damage or biting of the lips, tongue, cheeks, etc. In the case of children, you should monitor them until the anesthetic wears off. Due to the strange sensation of tissue anesthesia, many children may chew on the inner surface of the cheeks, lips, and tongue, which can cause serious damage.

After filling a tooth, the tooth may become sensitive to cold or heat or pressure. This condition is perfectly normal and resolves within a few days to a few weeks. In a few cases, this feeling may last for more than a few weeks. As long as the teeth and gums are healing, everything is going well and there is no need to worry.

Contact your dentist after your anesthetic wears off if you feel pain in your full tooth when you close your mouth and bite or chew. The tooth byte surface may need to be adjusted.

During dental fillings, the gum tissue may become irritated and sore for several days. The anesthetic injection site may also be painful or bruised.

In the case of amalgam fillings, you should not chew hard food or eat directly with the filled teeth for the first 24 hours after filling. If possible, chew only with the other part of the mouth (if the filled teeth are on the right side with the left side of the mouth and vice versa). Teeth whitening (composite dental resin) can be used immediately after treatment and the anesthetic effect wears off.

Chew slowly. Chewing puts a lot of pressure on the teeth, which can cause a lot of pain to a newly filled tooth. When you want to eat, take enough time to do so and do not try to chew large pieces of food at once and vigorously. This way you can avoid strong and excessive contact between the teeth. If possible, eat with the opposite side of the filled tooth.

Close your mouth when chewing food. In some people, the teeth become sensitive to cold air after filling. Therefore, after filling your teeth, you should close your mouth for a while to eat to prevent the flow of cold air to the teeth and cause toothache.

Avoid sticky and chewy foods such as chewing gum. In some dental fillings, especially amalgam (silver colored), it may take some time for you to eat sticky and chewy foods such as chewing gum. In rare cases, chewing these foods immediately after filling the teeth may cause the filling materials to separate.

Avoid hot or cold drinks. Freshly filled teeth become sensitive, so avoid very cold or hot drinks for a few days and eat at a moderate temperature.

Avoid sweets and sweet foods. Avoid these ingredients for a few days, as sweets can irritate freshly filled teeth. Consumption of sugars can also cause bacteria to grow around or below the tooth filling margin.

Do not eat hard foods such as nuts, hard chocolate, and ice. Chewing these foods, in addition to putting a lot of pressure on the newly filled tooth that is still healing, may cause the filling of the tooth filling that has not yet taken hold properly. This is especially important for silver amalgam fillings because it takes longer to fully adhere to the tooth.

If your teeth are filled with tooth-colored materials, avoid colored foods such as coffee for the first few days.

Avoid chewing food for at least an hour after filling your teeth, although drinking fluids is not a problem.

Hard foods should not be eaten for a few days after treatment.

Restoration or filling of teeth is not an obstacle to observing hygienic points, from a few hours after treatment, the routine of oral care can be observed.

It is normal to feel a high feeling in a full tooth in the first hours after treatment, but if this feeling persists after a few days, be sure to see a dentist to correct the problems.

In most cases, the dentist uses anesthesia to begin treatment. The effects of this anesthesia may last for several hours after treatment and there is nothing to worry about. One of the points in this regard is to avoid biting or injuring the lips and cheeks.

Sensitivity to cold and heat and pain are normal for the first few days and in some cases may last longer, but if these pains and allergies do not go away over time, you should go to a dental clinic.

The materials with which they fill the teeth may change color or lose their luster after a while. If such problems occur, you should talk to your dentist to take steps to repair it.