The most effective factor in proportionate and coordinated anterior teeth is the size, shape, and position of the maxillary central. Proper proportion is the key to achieving the desired dental set and should be matched to the patient’s facial features, whether weak or strong. The maxillary centers, in order to be as beautiful as possible, must be in proportion to the shape of the face and in harmony with the dental arch. The dentist should make natural differences in shape and position and ensure that the centers are in harmony with the overall shape of the face and profile. The patient should be viewed as a whole when trying to achieve fitness. In order to achieve a perfect fit, the whole set of anterior teeth should be considered as a panel, which is framed by different parts of the face. It is only through the conscious use of rules that a pleasant relative relationship is achieved. Beauty is associated with innumerable values ​​when it comes to the harmony between the two parts.

In cosmetic dentistry, the term golden ratio is a mathematical theory about the ratio between teeth and is considered as the only mathematical tool to determine the dimensions and ratio in the order of placement of maxillary teeth from the frontal view. In fact, Lombardi was the first to apply this equation to dentistry, and Levin introduced the principles of visual perception and their use in cosmetic dentistry. It was found that modal ratios were more beneficial than others and beauty was evaluated with these ratios. These ratios can be accepted and used to some extent as the basis of dental cosmetic treatment. According to this law, the visible width of each anterior tooth is about 60% of the size of the adjacent anterior tooth, and in this case, they are considered beautiful. As a result, if the lateral width is 1, the central should be 1.618 times wider and the canine 0.618 times narrower.

A well-proportioned relationship between the teeth alone is not enough to achieve successful results, but there must be a fit between the size of the teeth and the face. In general, when we look at natural anterior teeth, there is a noticeable difference between the sizes of the lateral and central teeth. This difference is caused by specific positions and the distinction of their mesiodistal width from the facial view. Due to the rotation of the laterals in the dental arch towards the distal, these teeth are less visible. While the most dominant anterior teeth are seen in the dental arch, ie maxillary centrals in their full size. These ratios are based not on the actual size of the teeth but on their size as seen from the anterior view.

The Impact of Visual Impairment and Perspective Effects When viewing an object from a particular point of view, it may cause us to misinterpret that object. As the distance to the observed object increases, the size of the object appears to decrease and its appearance differs from reality. Hence it can be said that a shape is never seen as it is.

Although it may seem logical, this rule is difficult to implement because patients in the real world, just like different lips and different proportions of the face, have different shapes of the jaw. Lombardi stated that strict adherence to the golden ratio due to the different shape of the dental arches can be very restrictive for the dentist. In addition, he recommended the use of continuous and not necessarily limited ratios of 62%. The width-to-lateral aspect ratio should be used as seen by the viewer from the distal part.

Recently, the ratio of repeatable teeth has been raised. This theory states that the width of the teeth from the frontal view should remain constant as they move toward the distal. And instead of being constrained by the 62% ratio, the dentist should use a ratio of his choice, as long as it remains constant as he progresses to the distal. Using a repeatable tooth ratio brings more flexibility and It has been supported by recent research on the evaluation of beautiful smiles. It has been found that most proportions are supported by beautiful smiles. It has been found that most ratios in beautiful smiles do not exactly follow the golden ratio formula. In this special study, the ratios showed significant differences between men and women. And canines were wider in women than men. These findings make it clear that strict adherence to rules and regulations may not only limit creativity but can also lead to failure, given the observer’s individual and cultural environment. It is better to say that the golden ratio is rarely present in natural teeth and strict adherence to it to achieve the ideal smile can be detrimental and limit creativity. A combination of knowledge and emotion is needed to formulate and apply these rules and regulations in reality.

As mentioned, another disadvantage of the golden ratio is that it only refers to width, while everyone agrees that width alone does not make much sense. Its interpretation and reception is directly related to the ratio of length to width and the objects around them. Hence, the length-to-width ratio of the tooth alone explains the apparent width and natural continuity of these ratios. The natural smile should be in harmony with the face and display the various features of the face.

If the wisdom tooth does not have enough space to grow (impacted wisdom tooth), it can cause pain, infection, or other problems in the mouth. In this case, it is necessary to pull it. Some dentists recommend the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth as a precaution against potential future problems, even if the tooth is not currently problematic.

Wisdom teeth are actually next to the third Asian tooth. Everyone has a set of 32 natural teeth during their adult life. Some have more than 32 teeth, a condition called hyper dentation. Some have less than 32 teeth, a condition called hypodontia. The third Asian tooth is the last adult tooth that begins to grow and grow around the age of 18-21.

Wisdom teeth usually begin to grow during adolescence or near the age of 20, but in some cases may last until the age of 30 or older. Although in some cases wisdom teeth grow without causing any problems or discomfort, not having enough space in the mouth to grow can cause problems for other teeth. Therefore, the teeth of wisdom must be extracted.

A crooked wisdom tooth puts pressure and damage on the surrounding teeth. It also damages the jaw and even the nerves around it. If the position and location of wisdom teeth are not suitable, this tooth is prone to decay; because food particles remain between the wisdom teeth and other Asian teeth, they cause decay.
If the wisdom tooth is simple, it is extracted in the usual way, but if the wisdom tooth is impacted, surgery is needed to extract it.

Wisdom tooth surgery can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. In local anesthesia, the surgeon injects a local anesthetic into the patient and begins working after the surgical site is anesthetized.

A cleft or incision is made at the site of surgery and the bone and root of the tooth appear. In some cases, the bone of the tooth may also need to be extracted in order to lift and extract the wisdom tooth. It may also be necessary to cut wisdom teeth to make it easier to extract wisdom teeth.

When the impacted wisdom tooth is successfully extracted, the surgical site is cleaned with water. Absorbable or non-absorbable sutures are used to suture the surgical site. In some cases, the surgical site may not need to be sutured.

After extracting wisdom teeth, it is necessary to maintain oral health and also to follow the following recommendations:

Do not rinse your mouth for the first 24 hours after tooth extraction.

Eat a soft or liquid diet (milk, ice cream, mashed potatoes, and pudding) the day you brush your teeth, and gradually start eating foods that do not require much chewing the next day. Try chewing with teeth that are pulled away from the tooth.

Brush and floss other teeth as usual, but avoid brushing your teeth and gums near the extracted tooth.

After 24 hours, after eating and before going to bed, gently brush the extracted tooth with warm salt water (pour 1.2 teaspoons of salt into a cup of water). Repeat this process for at least 5 days after tooth extraction.

Oral hygiene is very important. Unfortunately, this is still not important to many people. The source of many problems for the mouth and teeth is poor oral hygiene.

Every human being should brush his teeth three times a day. That is, brush after every meal. In addition to toothbrushes, flossing and mouth washing are also recommended by dentists. But unfortunately, people only brush their teeth once a day.

Lack of oral hygiene and its many problems

Why is brushing important after every meal? When we eat, food remains between the teeth, these food debris are removed only by brushing and flossing. Otherwise, they remain between the teeth. The bacteria produced by these nutrients gradually penetrate all the teeth. Bacteria accumulate and become dental plaque. Dental plaque is a major cause of tooth decay, gum infection, tooth loss, and other dental problems.

Plaque initially attacks the enamel and crown of the tooth, destroying it and reaching the root and living part of the tooth, the pulp. Plaque is removed only by scaling the teeth, otherwise, they become very strong and dangerous bacteria that cause decay and acute infection.

Bacteria damage the root of the tooth by destroying the tooth pulp. If tooth decay is not treated at this stage, there is a possibility of tooth loss.

In addition to preventing tooth decay, brushing also prevents bad breath.

Brushing the tongue

Most of us have a laid-back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves. If the tongue, like the teeth, is exposed to the growth of bacteria. Bacteria grow on the tongue villi and cause bad breath. Bacteria reduce the power of taste by covering the human tongue. If you brush your tongue properly, the sense of taste will be strengthened again.

Bacteria that grow on the tongue can also spread to other parts of the mouth, causing periodontal disease and tooth decay.

Choose the right toothbrush for your tongue

It is better to use special toothbrushes to brush your tongue. Some toothbrushes made for teeth can also be used for the tongue. The edge of these toothbrushes is made of a material that can be used to brush the tongue.

There is also a tongue toothbrush on the back and end of some toothbrushes that can be used to clean the tongue. In addition, pharmacies sell special toothbrushes that you can use to brush your tongue.

The correct way to brush your tongue

You need to brush your tongue once or twice a day. This does not necessarily have to be with toothpaste. You can also brush your tongue after brushing your teeth.

To brush your tongue, pull the toothbrush from the tip of your tongue to the tip of your tongue. Do this several times. You will see that white or yellow on the tongue turns red. To avoid nausea, it is better to brush your teeth vertically.

You do not need to brush your teeth close to your throat, as this can cause nausea. After brushing, you can use antibacterial mouthwashes or a solution of lukewarm water and salt to make sure.

See a dentist

Some people are prone to tooth decay and common gum infections. Everyone should see a dentist regularly. Dentists recommend that people see a dentist every 6 months to check the health of their teeth and gums.

In this annual check-up, radiographs are usually taken of the teeth. From this image, the dentist can check for tooth decay and infection and other problems.

Oral disease is painful for everyone, and it is important to take timely action to prevent further problems. Reading this guide, which categorizes various problems in simple language, will give you more insight to get to work on time.

If your mouth or jaw hurts, it may be because of a toothache. Toothache is usually a sign of cavities in the teeth, but it can also indicate gum disease. Occasionally there is a pain in the tooth caused by an abscess (pus) or a missing tooth.
In this case, you should see a dentist immediately to determine the root cause and prevent tooth loss.

Sensitive teeth
If your teeth ache when drinking hot or cold liquids, your teeth may be sensitive. This can be the result of tooth decay or fracture, loss of fillings, gum disease, erosion of the tooth surface, or root protrusion due to gingival destruction. Its treatment depends on the allergen. If you are concerned about the sensitivity of your teeth, see your dentist and let them diagnose the cause and discuss ways to treat it.

Bleeding or wounding of the gums
Bleeding or sores can be a sign of inflammation and inflammation of the gums, which are considered the early and treatable stages of gum disease; or very simply, caused by brushing hard or flossing after leaving it for a while. See your doctor or dentist if your gums are constantly bleeding, or at least bleeding so much that you are worried; because it may indicate that a workplace has a problem.

Wounded tongue
Oral ulcers come in many forms, including oral herpes, leukoplakia, and candidiasis. The severity and causes are different. In general, mouth ulcers can be a sign of an illness or disorder; ‌ For example, bacterial infection, ‌ viral or fungal infection. They can also be the result of inflammation caused by dentures, fillings, or broken edges. If the wound remains for more than a week, it must be examined by a dentist.

Bad Breath
Bad breath can have many causes, including what you eat, not brushing your teeth, dry mouth, smoking, or medical problems. If bad breath persists for a long time, it may indicate gum disease. Brushing twice a day and flossing is vital to reduce bad breath and prevent gum disease. Brushing your tongue can also help. See your dentist if you are worried about why your mouth smells bad. He or she can find the cause and guide you through the treatment.

Pain or sound in the jaw joint
There are many things that can cause these symptoms and therefore it is difficult to diagnose the cause. Possible causes include sinus problems, toothache, arthritis, injury, gingivitis, or jaw problems such as temporomandibular joint problems. The dentist may perform various tests, such as X-rays, to find the root of the pain.

Dry mouth
If your mouth is dry, it could be a sign of a medical disorder or a side effect of a certain medication. Saliva is the first barrier in the mouth to fight tooth decay and washes away and carries food and other wastes while neutralizing the acid produced by bacteria in the mouth and dispersing disease-fighting substances in the mouth. Your dentist can suggest ways to rehydrate your mouth.

Lip and tongue piercing infection
Piercing any part of the mouth can cause all kinds of problems for your health. The human mouth hosts a large number of bacteria and is, therefore, a good place to start an infection. See your dentist or doctor right away if you have any signs of an infection – swelling, pain, fever, chills, or redness around the hole.

Cracked or broken teeth
Teeth can crack or break for a variety of reasons, from grinding to injury. The crack may be visible to the naked eye or detected by photography, But it can be extremely painful and can cause bigger problems if left untreated. If you have pain when chewing, see your dentist. He can find the cause of the pain and plan treatment.

Staining or discoloration of teeth
Your teeth can stain or discolor over time. This is usually the result of eating certain foods such as coffee or tea, smoking, aging, genetics, injury, or taking certain medications. Teeth whitening can also be done using over-the-counter products or dental procedures. Of course, it is better to consult your dentist before any action.

Decades ago, when the nylon hair toothbrush was first invented, consumers did not have many options for choosing a toothbrush, but now the story is completely different. Most stores that sell oral hygiene products have a wide range of different types of toothbrushes, including manual and electric, on their shelves.

A good toothbrush can change bad health habits into good oral health habits. Without daily brushing and flossing, teeth and gums may become particularly vulnerable to tooth decay, plaque, and plaque and even gum disease. Use the instructions below to help you brush properly to prevent these problems from occurring. The more you love your toothbrush, the more likely you are to brush it regularly. We are taught from childhood that regular brushing is one of the best ways to keep our teeth and gums healthy. But what is the best toothbrush?

There are complete dental products that are environmentally friendly. You may even have heard of toothbrushes called natural toothbrushes made from the roots of the Arak tree. Other types of natural toothbrushes contain brown bristles that appear to be softer than nylon bristles. Although you may be curious to try natural toothbrushes, you should keep in mind that little research has been done on their effectiveness (or harmfulness). Natural toothbrushes can also cost more and break down faster than standard toothbrushes.

There are certain characteristics that you should consider when choosing any type of toothbrush, whether manual or electric.

Size: The best toothbrush for you is a toothbrush that has a head size that allows easy access to all surfaces of your teeth. For most adults, a toothbrush that is about 1 cm wide and 2.5 cm long is the most effective and simplest toothbrush to use. Although large toothbrushes are available, once you use them you will find that some areas, such as the sides and back of the teeth, are difficult to brush. The length of the toothbrush handle should be long enough that you can hold it comfortably in your hand.

Types of toothbrush bristles: If you go to the pharmacy to buy a hand toothbrush or an electric toothbrush, you can choose a toothbrush with soft, medium or hard nylon bristles. For the vast majority, a soft toothbrush will be the easiest and safest choice. If you brush and brush your teeth too hard, medium to hard brushes can actually damage the gums, root surface, and protective enamel. To further protect your teeth when you buy a toothbrush, make sure that the toothbrush brushes you choose have a round surface.

Ask your dentist to suggest a good brand to make sure your toothbrush has undergone rigorous health and safety testing.

For hand toothbrushes, the presence of a seal ensures that the toothbrush brushes are safe, the toothbrush handle is suitable for daily use, the toothbrush hair does not fall out of the toothbrush during daily brushing, and in the early stages of using the toothbrush, plaque and gum disease are reduced. In addition, electric toothbrushes that have a seal must also perform a safety test in an independent laboratory and prove through practical tests that the toothbrush is suitable for use on oral tissue as well as any dental instrument.

As long as you brush your teeth regularly using the right cleaning techniques, you should be able to remove plaque with your hand or electric toothbrush and keep your gums healthy. Studies have shown that there is not much difference between a hand toothbrush and an electric toothbrush, and both types can be effective if used properly. An electric toothbrush can be ineffective if used improperly. However, electric toothbrushes may be suitable in some situations, for example for people who are less skilled or who find it difficult to use a hand toothbrush. An electric toothbrush can be suitable for patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis or those recovering from a stroke. The electric toothbrush is also suitable for people who want to brush their teeth hard, which can damage the gums and teeth.

When it comes to choosing the best toothbrush for your child, it is important to choose a toothbrush that he uses regularly and appropriately. There are a variety of handy and electric options for children, and they are available in a variety of colors, and often use children’s favorite characters from classic stories and popular cartoons. Some types of toothbrushes even play music to help your child know how long to brush.

If you have wired your teeth, you can use a special orthodontic toothbrush with V-shaped brushes. These toothbrushes are designed to thoroughly clean around wires and braces. There is also a type of toothbrush called the End-Tuft toothbrush, which has a very small head with several round nylon brushes and can be used to clean around braces, uneven teeth, viable roots of mill teeth, and dental bridges and implants. This toothbrush should be used as a supplement after regular brushing.

After daily use, your toothbrush can lose its effectiveness and even become a breeding ground for germs, fungi, and bacteria. Who wants this? To get the most benefit from brushing, change your toothbrush at least once every 1 to 3 months, and if you have recently caught a cold or infection, you may have transmitted germs to your toothbrush, so be sure to use a new toothbrush.

Bruxism is the involuntary pressure of teeth on each other. Bruxism usually occurs during sleep, but some people also grind their teeth when they wake up.

Bruxism can be caused by a physical expression of stress. For example, sensitive people tend to grit their teeth when they are angry, overly focused on a task, or when they are anxious. Bruxism is the involuntary pressure of teeth on each other and usually occurs in sleep. Causes can be stress, concentration, misaligned teeth, and drug abuse. Treatment for bruxism includes dental splints (used at night), repair of dental injuries, use of muscle relaxants, and stress management.

Methods of protecting teeth from bruxism

Anti-allergy varnish: Used by a dentist to protect teeth against allergies caused by enamel erosion.

Fluoride varnish or gel: Helps regenerate enamel and protects teeth against decay.

Orthodontics: If the occlusion causes the teeth to grind, the patient may be able to use orthodontics for treatment. In mild to moderate cases, invisible brackets may be better because they have the same protective effect as mouth protection.

Ways to stop bruxism

Although there is no cure for bruxism, there are various treatments and techniques that can help address the root causes.

Calmness: Because stress is associated with stress, there are methods including yoga, meditation, psychotherapy, and behavioral cognitive therapy (CBT) that can help.

Sport: Because stress is a major cause of bruxism, exercise can also help. This is because exercise releases endorphins. This substance helps reduce stress in the brain.

Diet management: Some drinks may inititate the gnashing of teeth. Therefore, it is best to avoid alcohol and caffeine (including tea, coffee, and caffeinated beverages) before going to bed. You can also avoid them altogether for a few weeks to see the effect on your health. The same is true of smoking. Quitting smoking has many health benefits.

Muscle exercises: Stretching exercises may help to cure it. If the chewing muscles in the jaw are exercised regularly, they will be less stressed when gnashing their teeth.

Muscle relaxants: Patients’ muscles may often be under pressure. Some patients can relieve this pain by using muscle emollients. However, it is best to talk to your doctor before starting treatment because some of them are addictive.

Some patients experience improvements by injecting botulinum toxin (Botox) into the masticatory muscles because Botox reduces muscle strength and this reduces the amount of bruxism damage. This is a very new technique and there is little medical research on its effectiveness and long-term effects.

Hypnosis: Because bruxism occurs subconsciously, hypnosis may be effective in treating it. This treatment can help with the underlying causes of bruxism, namely stress and anxiety. We recommend that you consult your dentist or specialist before starting any treatment.

Bruxism is an unconscious act for which there is no guarantee of complete and permanent healing. The patient suffers from this problem at night. The important thing is to be aware of the problem and see your dentist to take the necessary steps to limit it. The first step in diagnosing and evaluating bruxism injuries is to see a dental professional and get advice from them. If you can find out what causes or causes this disease, in the short term you can reduce the pain and damage caused by it, and in the long run you can even eradicate the problem.

You should consult with your dentist to choose treatment options.

The most common cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene. If you have a lot of toothpaste and dental plaque in your mouth, or if you have decayed teeth and leftover roots, you are prone to bad breath. In addition, decayed teeth and improper fillings exacerbate it.

Bad veneer odor is also a common problem. If the veneer is not properly placed, the edges of the veneer are not smooth and uniform, or there is caries and decay of the gums adjacent to the veneer, a bad odor will be inhaled.

Tooth decay is the most important cause of bad breath!

You may ask: “After flossing, the floss smells bad. Why is that? ”

Toothpaste causes the gums to become inflamed and red. This condition may be present in all parts of the mouth in general, manifesting as bad breath, bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, or spontaneously.

Sometimes there may be bad breath in only a few areas of the mouth, and the patient states that “when I floss, the floss smells.” In this case, this problem can be solved by correcting the existing restorations or closing the gap between the teeth after a few days.

People who receive orthodontic treatment, especially in fixed orthodontics, have a predisposing environment for tooth decay and gum disease due to food retention. In these people, tooth brushing and flossing should be done much better and more accurately to prevent oral diseases.

The bad smell of garlic does not disappear with a toothbrush!

Another important reason is the use of strong-smelling foods such as garlic, onions, alcoholic beverages or.. This odor is temporary, but in many cases it does not go away even with brushing, and it is necessary to use deodorants or spicy gums.

Bad breath caused by the stomach: If you have reflux or sourness, your mouth may also smell. In reflux, stomach acid returns to the mouth. To treat bad breath caused by digestive problems, first of all see a gastroenterologist. You can easily get rid of this problem with a proper diet and taking a few simple medications.

Bad breath caused by sinusitis: Sinuses are air-filled cavities that heat and humidity the air. If they become inflamed due to an infection or allergy, they can cause bad breath and scattered pain in all maxillary teeth. Treatment of bad breath caused by sinusitis is in the hands of an ear, nose and throat specialist.

Bad breath in the morning: You may also notice bad breath when you wake up in the morning. This is normal. This is because saliva flow decreases during sleep and bacteria produce an unpleasant odor. Eliminating bad breath after sleep is easily possible by brushing your teeth as well as your tongue.

Smoking: Cigarettes and tobacco, in addition to having a pungent odor that is uncomfortable and allergic to many people, can also cause dry mouth, gum disease, and gum infection. In smokers, gingivitis, bleeding gums, gingival resorption, and related diseases improve slowly. In addition, treatment of gingivitis, treatment of gingival infections and treatment of gingival resorption, gingival surgery and implants do not have ideal results in these people and the probability of treatment failure is high.

Some medications cause dry mouth: Dry mouth and lack of saliva flow can also cause bad breath. Fasting and dehydration may also exacerbate this condition.
Some diseases such as diabetes and some drugs such as antihypertensive drugs, chemotherapy drugs, etc. are the cause of dry mouth and in addition to bad breath, increase the risk of caries.

Discharge from behind the throat and bad breath: Bad breath can have an external cause. Including gastrointestinal upset, gastric reflux, sinusitis or discharge from the back of the throat. In these cases, treatment of underlying problems can eliminate bad breath.

What is the home remedy for bad breath?

Home remedies can only temporarily eliminate bad breath. Herbal remedies for bad breath can be chewing on fragrant seeds such as cardamom or herbs such as mint, parsley or celery.

These methods are temporary and prevent the root cause from being found and treated, and eliminating bad breath in this way may lead to later diagnosis and irreversible complications. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist.

The use of baking soda is not recommended for teeth whitening and bad breath. Because it destroys tooth enamel.

How to get rid of bad breath?

To eliminate bad breath that originates from the mouth, it is possible to perform regular oral hygiene, scaling and brushing the teeth, and then use a special mouthwash according to the doctor’s prescription.

What doctor should I go to for bad breath?

To get rid of bad breath, you should first see your dentist. Because there is the most important cause in the mouth. If there is no problem with the gums and teeth, your dentist will refer you to a specialist.

It is up to the doctor to prescribe pills to eliminate bad breath, depending on the cause of the odor and the location of the infection. Avoid taking drugs arbitrarily.

Not all pain in the face and jaw is directly related to the teeth. Sometimes the root cause of these pains may be another factor. This type of earache is called referral pain. Referral earache is a type of earache that does not originate in the ear itself and is heard elsewhere. Sometimes it is possible for a person with ear pain to see a doctor, and the doctor will determine where the main source of the pain is.

Referral pain in the head and face is very common. It is difficult and of course important to diagnose these pains.

Ear problems can be diagnosed with a routine office examination, but it is interesting to know that 50% of people who present with ear pain have their main source in the jaw and teeth. Ear infections are usually divided into two categories: external and middle ear infections. The cause of external ear infection is ear manipulation, swimming in polluted waters, but the cause of middle ear infection is mostly related to the throat and those who catch a cold get the infection from the throat.

Toothache and jaw pain are the most common mouth and tooth discomforts. There may be severe pain when pressed or stimulated by cold and heat, and toothache may persist for fifteen seconds after removal of the stimulus. As the inflamed area of ​​the pulp expands, the pain becomes more severe and the pain may be reflected in the cheeks, ears and jaw. Other symptoms that you should pay attention to and seek treatment for are:

Pain in chewing

Sensitivity to cold and heat

Bleeding from around the teeth or gums

Swelling around the teeth or swelling of the jaw

Impact or irritation in the area

Sometimes ear infections are directly related to our mouths and teeth.

Gum disease and oral infections can affect other parts of the body as well. Sometimes in the presence of gum disease, bacteria in the gums are heard and cause an infection in the ear. Abnormal position of the teeth in the mouth or abnormalities of the teeth may lead to pain in the ear. This pain may even be confused with an ear infection. Temporomandibular joint disorders may also be confused with ear infections; conversely, even in some cases, the pain caused by an ear infection may be accompanied by toothache. Because there is a nerve line between the teeth and the ears, the pain from the ear infection may extend to the teeth and gums. Some patients may also think that tooth decay has caused them pain when they actually have an ear infection.

Bruxism can lead to problems ranging from tooth damage to tinnitus and earache. Any problem with the jawbone can spread to the ears.

Because of the potential side effects of antibiotics used to treat ear infections (and the fact that overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance), in many cases, the body is able to fight ear infections without the need for antibiotics.

Over-the-counter pain medications can be used to manage pain (in the ear, jaw, or teeth). If the infection is severe, antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor.

If ear pain spreads to the teeth or jaw, medications to control non-prescription pain used for ear pain can be used for oral or dental problems. You do not need to prescribe painkillers for ear infections, but tell your doctor if the pain is out of control. Regular use of toothbrushes and floss, regular visits to the doctor for professional measures, and finding alternative treatments are suitable methods to prevent the occurrence of toothache and gum disease caused by tooth decay and gingivitis.

The decision to straighten crooked teeth is a personal decision. For many people, lack of funding or lack of dental health insurance support may influence the decision to have their teeth straightened. A person’s general health issues may also play a role in deciding whether to treat crooked teeth.

If you are personally dissatisfied with the crookedness of your teeth and have problems with your appearance, seeing an orthodontist and undergoing treatment can be the best option for you.

If you have noticed the improper shape of your teeth and you want to treat them, you should not worry about anything. Fortunately, there are a variety of methods and treatments available for straightening your teeth.

The first thing you can do to straighten your teeth is to talk to your dentist or orthodontist. Dentists will choose the best possible treatment for you with your thorough evaluation. The orthodontist will probably suggest that you use a brace.

Braces are a good option for different people and at any age to coordinate and straighten teeth. This tool may be very suitable for children whose jaw and mouth structures are still developing and have flexibility.

Depending on the type of braces you choose and the severity of the problem you have, you should use orthodontic braces for 2 to 3 years. Tooth alignment surgery is another option that should be considered. And typically this method will take less time to achieve the desired results.

Metal braces: Fixed metal braces include components such as brackets, straps, and flexible wires that attach to teeth. These braces may be a better choice for someone with more complex dental problems.

Sometimes, in addition to applying a fixed brace, a tool called a retainer is needed. Dampers are usually used only at night.

It has been a long time since the first use of this metal tool. Significant progress has been made on these braces now and at this time. The size of the brackets used in these braces is smaller and they are much easier to install than before.

Ceramic braces: The ceramic type of braces and the arched wires connecting them are quite clear. These types of teeth straightening tools are available in different colors and can be a good option for straightening crooked teeth.

The process of smoothing crooked teeth in this way is the same as using metal brackets, although ceramic brackets are prone to staining and breakage.

Invisible braces: Invisible braces, like Invisalign, are almost invisible. These tools can be used in both adolescents and adults.

These types of braces to treat crooked teeth are unique to each person and are made to fit each person’s teeth. They are placed on the teeth like mouth guards. And are removed and replaced twice a month.

The most common and well-known type of gum disease is gingivitis, a condition that includes inflammation in the gums and around the crown of the gums that results from the development and accumulation of plaque in the gum line. Symptoms include red and swollen gums as well as bleeding. Is the gums, which may be seen on your toothbrush during a dental test.

Bad breath is often noticeable, and gingivitis is also caused by certain health conditions and changes in medication alone. Hormonal changes such as puberty and pregnancy aggravate the disease if there are bacteria in the dental plaque. Dentists call this type of disease pubertal gingivitis or gestational gestation.

Pregnant women have a higher risk of developing periodontal disease during pregnancy, so they should be aware of the need for intermittent cleaning during this period.

Gingivitis : This painful gum condition is a condition in which dental plaque builds up in the gum line, causing the gums to become irritated and sensitive, sometimes causing bleeding.

Viral infection: Often the cause of swelling is a serious infection that must be removed, in the case of swollen gums is one of the causes of infection that causes dental plaque. Dental plaque increases fluid and white blood cells in that area, causing gingivitis.


Allergy to toothpaste or mouthwash

Side effects of some medications such as: painkillers before surgery dilantin (phenotoin) antiepileptic drug or phenobarbital antiepileptic drug, sleeping pills

Vitamin C deficiency, B vitamins and calcium deficiency

A fungal disease called candidiasis

Broken tooth

Treatment of gingivitis

Peppermint oil: To remove the swelling of the gums naturally, it is enough to combine 10 drops of peppermint oil with warm water and rinse your mouth with the obtained solution daily.

Peppermint tea: Peppermint tea also improves pain and inflammation of the gums, just pour some fresh or dried mint leaves into a glass of boiling water. Then sip it after a few minutes.

Green tea: Boil some green tea and after cooling, wash the gums with it and then brush carefully.

Brine: Pour some salt into a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth several times a day with this solution to reduce swelling, inflammation and even bleeding gums.

Clove oil: To reduce swelling of the gums, just apply some clove oil to the gums. The composition of this oil greatly reduces the inflammation, swelling and pain caused by gingival infections. Of course, it may be accompanied by a slight burning sensation.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has a wonderful effect in treating gingivitis. Massage swollen gums with aloe vera pulp and rinse your mouth after a few minutes.

Chew fresh vegetables and fruits: Chewing fresh vegetables and fruits kills infections and bacteria in the mouth and gums and cleans teeth. Eat more foods rich in vitamin C and fiber, such as broccoli, bell peppers, and carrots.

Fresh lemon juice: Using a combination of warm water and fresh lemon juice reduces gingivitis and even eliminates the cause of bad breath, just gargle with this solution twice a day.

Baking soda: Add some baking soda to a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with this solution after brushing.

Roses and sour lemon juice: To quickly get rid of gingivitis, just mix a little fresh lemon juice with rose extract and gargle with it and keep it in your mouth for a few minutes and then throw it away. Repeat this three times a day for full effect.

Prevent gingivitis: A soft, quality toothbrush, especially its rechargeable model, should be used twice a day to reduce the risk of developing the disease. Flossing, like other things that can be done for oral hygiene, such as mouthwashes and interdental cleaning devices, reduces the chances of gingivitis.

People who have experienced the disease may want to improve their gingival defenses by using stronger toothpaste.

The best way to prevent gingivitis is to see a dentist or oral hygienist for regular grooming twice a year.