Problem The patient was a 45-year-old woman with persistent, moderate, and vague but sometimes severe oral pain from the temporomandibular joints and mill teeth on both sides. The unhappiness began with marital problems and economic hardship. Finger root canal treatment, as well as occlusal splint treatment and depression medication, have relieved and temporarily relieved the […]
What you need to know about rabbit teeth! Rabbit teeth can be one of the most important factors that affect your appearance. Undoubtedly, talking about how to correct these teeth can be very interesting for anyone. In this article, we are going to talk a little more about how to correct these teeth and provide […]
Dental nausea Dental nausea (gag reflux), intolerance of objects in the mouth and a feeling of restlessness are observed among some dental clients during dental work. These patients are often anxious, go to the dentist with a lot of fear . They have a bad feeling during the visit and treatment. Strategies to prevent nausea […]
The problem is that misaligned teeth and other oral problems can lower a person’s self-esteem. The result of orthodontics is smooth teeth and a beautiful smile. Let’s look at the complex relationship between orthodontics and self-esteem. The effect of oral problems on self-confidence It does not matter if the teeth are messy or the upper […]
Correcting the shape and size of the teeth or aligning the teeth is a cost-effective approach to correcting the design of the smile and having a smile. Beautification and scaling of teeth is one of the cosmetic dental treatments that causes subtle and minor changes in the teeth. But these small changes make a big […]
One of the first things that determine the health of your teeth is your diet. You can use the foods listed below to improve your teeth. Cheese A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of General Dentistry shows that eating cheese raises the pH of a person’s mouth, reduces the risk of […]