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Bad Breath

The most common cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene. If you have a lot of toothpaste and dental plaque in your mouth, or if you have decayed teeth and leftover roots, you are prone to bad breath. In addition, decayed teeth and improper fillings exacerbate it.

Bad veneer odor is also a common problem. If the veneer is not properly placed, the edges of the veneer are not smooth and uniform, or there is caries and decay of the gums adjacent to the veneer, a bad odor will be inhaled.

Tooth decay is the most important cause of bad breath!

You may ask: “After flossing, the floss smells bad. Why is that? ”

Toothpaste causes the gums to become inflamed and red. This condition may be present in all parts of the mouth in general, manifesting as bad breath, bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, or spontaneously.

Sometimes there may be bad breath in only a few areas of the mouth, and the patient states that “when I floss, the floss smells.” In this case, this problem can be solved by correcting the existing restorations or closing the gap between the teeth after a few days.

People who receive orthodontic treatment, especially in fixed orthodontics, have a predisposing environment for tooth decay and gum disease due to food retention. In these people, tooth brushing and flossing should be done much better and more accurately to prevent oral diseases.

The bad smell of garlic does not disappear with a toothbrush!

Another important reason is the use of strong-smelling foods such as garlic, onions, alcoholic beverages or.. This odor is temporary, but in many cases it does not go away even with brushing, and it is necessary to use deodorants or spicy gums.

Bad breath caused by the stomach: If you have reflux or sourness, your mouth may also smell. In reflux, stomach acid returns to the mouth. To treat bad breath caused by digestive problems, first of all see a gastroenterologist. You can easily get rid of this problem with a proper diet and taking a few simple medications.

Bad breath caused by sinusitis: Sinuses are air-filled cavities that heat and humidity the air. If they become inflamed due to an infection or allergy, they can cause bad breath and scattered pain in all maxillary teeth. Treatment of bad breath caused by sinusitis is in the hands of an ear, nose and throat specialist.

Bad breath in the morning: You may also notice bad breath when you wake up in the morning. This is normal. This is because saliva flow decreases during sleep and bacteria produce an unpleasant odor. Eliminating bad breath after sleep is easily possible by brushing your teeth as well as your tongue.

Smoking: Cigarettes and tobacco, in addition to having a pungent odor that is uncomfortable and allergic to many people, can also cause dry mouth, gum disease, and gum infection. In smokers, gingivitis, bleeding gums, gingival resorption, and related diseases improve slowly. In addition, treatment of gingivitis, treatment of gingival infections and treatment of gingival resorption, gingival surgery and implants do not have ideal results in these people and the probability of treatment failure is high.

Some medications cause dry mouth: Dry mouth and lack of saliva flow can also cause bad breath. Fasting and dehydration may also exacerbate this condition.
Some diseases such as diabetes and some drugs such as antihypertensive drugs, chemotherapy drugs, etc. are the cause of dry mouth and in addition to bad breath, increase the risk of caries.

Discharge from behind the throat and bad breath: Bad breath can have an external cause. Including gastrointestinal upset, gastric reflux, sinusitis or discharge from the back of the throat. In these cases, treatment of underlying problems can eliminate bad breath.

What is the home remedy for bad breath?

Home remedies can only temporarily eliminate bad breath. Herbal remedies for bad breath can be chewing on fragrant seeds such as cardamom or herbs such as mint, parsley or celery.

These methods are temporary and prevent the root cause from being found and treated, and eliminating bad breath in this way may lead to later diagnosis and irreversible complications. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist.

The use of baking soda is not recommended for teeth whitening and bad breath. Because it destroys tooth enamel.

How to get rid of bad breath?

To eliminate bad breath that originates from the mouth, it is possible to perform regular oral hygiene, scaling and brushing the teeth, and then use a special mouthwash according to the doctor’s prescription.

What doctor should I go to for bad breath?

To get rid of bad breath, you should first see your dentist. Because there is the most important cause in the mouth. If there is no problem with the gums and teeth, your dentist will refer you to a specialist.

It is up to the doctor to prescribe pills to eliminate bad breath, depending on the cause of the odor and the location of the infection. Avoid taking drugs arbitrarily.