Entries by dyfu4cgDxj


The Ins and Outs of Wisdom Teeth

The removal of wisdom teeth is a highly debatable topic in the dentistry world with everyone having their own opinion on if they actually need to be extracted. Societal norm says yes, once your wisdom teeth come in then you need to immediately get in touch with a dental surgeon and get them removed ASAP. […]


New Year, New Dentist

The New Year is upon us in less than a month and that means it’s time to start thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions. Whether or not you believe that this is the only time to reinvent yourself and change your habits and routine, it is not a bad idea to reflect on all aspects […]


The Art of Oral Hygeine

Earlier this week, we talked about flossing and how important it is in your daily routine in order to maintain optimal oral and physical health. Today, we’re going to expand on that and go over proper brushing and flossing techniques to ensure that it is being done correctly and effectively.   Let’s start with flossing, […]


The Importance of Flossing

If the last time you flossed was when your dentist did it during your bi-annual cleaning, you may want to think about making it an early New Year’s Resolution and driving to your nearest pharmacy for a pack.   Even if you brush your teeth the recommended three times a day, it is still not […]


Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridges

So, you’ve gotten into an accident and now you’re missing a few teeth, or maybe age has caught up with you and some of your teeth just aren’t quite what they used to be. Luckily, you have some options when it comes to restoring your smile. Let’s take a brief look at a couple of […]


Invisalign or Traditional Braces?

It’s a fact of life that perfect teeth do not come to the majority of us naturally. In fact, there’s an estimated 75% chance that a child between the ages of 10-13 will need some sort of orthodontic intervention in their life. But braces are not just for children anymore. Adult braces are on the […]


Recovery After Dental Treatments

No one is a stranger to mouth pain, especially to those who do not keep up with regular brushing and flossing and exit the dentist’s office with sore, puffy gums after a routine cleaning. But while that pain goes away within the hour, some pain is longer lasting and may be present as a dull […]


Gum Contouring: Changing the shape of gum

Living in a society that is heavily focused on the idea of being ‘perfect’ and looking like the celebrities in magazines, it is hard not to feel self-conscious when it comes to our body image, and in some cases, our smile. It is one of the things that most people notice right away, and while […]


Do I really need Root Canal Therapy?

If “do I need a Root Canal?” is a question you have been asking yourself these days, you should know a little bit more about what exactly Root Canal Therapy is, what are the causes, what are the symptoms, and how can you be sure if you need it. For the majority of tooth issues, […]


Things to know before dental braces

Teeth alignment is one of the most popular dental treatments. People all over the world regardless to their age and gender like to have aligned teeth. Aligned teeth help you bite healthier, look better, and have cleaner mouth and gums. There are several treatments for teeth alignment such as braces, invisalign, veneers, etc. In this […]