Entries by admin_detist_sam

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What Causes Gum Recession?

Have you ever noticed that you’re seeing more of your teeth than usual, or that your gums appear higher than they normally are? If you said yes to either of those two questions, you may have gum disease and what you’re experiencing is gum recession as a result. Before gum disease happens, there needs to […]

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How Does Coffee Affect My Teeth?

Coffee should really be a food group of its own with how prevalent it is in our daily life. While the delicious drink might give you a kick start to your day and positively affect your daily function, it also affects your teeth in the following ways. STAINING: If you’re wondering why you have yellow […]

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Dental Photography

Dental photography is a practice that more and more dental offices are using in order to provide the highest quality of care to their patients. Dental photography goes beyond just the typical x-rays that are given–these are actual photos taken by a DSLR camera. If you are a dental office that does not currently provide […]

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Do Oral Piercings Damage Your Teeth?

Tongue piercings are one of the most popular body modifications out there, and although piercings have become more of an accepted norm amongst society, dentists remain critical of tongue piercings and their effect on oral health. Tongue piercings can cause a variety of problems including the cracking and chipping of teeth, as well as causing […]

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What Is An Impacted Tooth?

An impacted tooth is a tooth that has not managed to break through the gum, or has partially broke through, but becomes stuck and is unable to fully come through. For the most part, impacted teeth do not cause any symptoms are are usually discovered by your dentist during a normal oral exam that includes […]

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Dental New Year’s Resolutions

Whether or not you believe in making new year’s resolutions, there’s never a better time to start establishing healthy habits than at the beginning of the new year. So get out there, buy some floss, replace your toothbrush, and think about making these changes for better oral health. Quit Smoking Quitting smoking may be the […]

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What is a Dental Abscess?

When a bacterial infection becomes present in the tooth, an abcess can appear, which forms a pocket of pus. These abscesses are typically very painful, even being felt in the neck or ear, and should be looked at right away because they can lead to life threatening conditions. There are many symptoms that can indicate […]


What is TMJ and TMD?

Experiencing headaches and difficulty talking and eating? Before you start searching up different causes, discover whether or not it has something to do with your temporomandibular joint or TMJ. These joints connect your lower jaw to your skull, hence why they can cause headaches. Normally, these joints are able to move freely, which is why […]


Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea occurs when a person has pauses in their breathing during their sleep, but they may not know it. However, there are a few distinct symptoms that a person with sleep apnea will have, such as those that are listed below. Snoring Snoring can be an issue all on its own and may not […]


What to Expect at a Dental Cleaning

More than likely you’ve been to a bi-yearly dental appointment, but for others it may be their first time, or maybe they’re coming back to the dentist after a long time and have forgotten what all is involved in the visit. This article will take you step by step through all the things involved in […]