Entries by admin_detist_sam


Fixed and movable implants

There are many reasons why a person may lose their teeth, from severe tooth decay to serious infections and…. . When you think of dentures, you probably think of false teeth that are placed in a glass of water at night. Some prostheses are removable because they have to be washed in clean, special solutions, […]


Immediate orthodontics the rabbit teeth and crooked teeth

In some cases, crooked teeth affect the quality of life. For example, you may not be able to chew food well, so you may have heartburn after eating. Relatively common problems with crooked teeth include: Periodontal disease (such as gum infection): Because it is difficult to clean crooked and crooked teeth side by side, plaque […]


Over-the-counter medications

Caring for children who are teething  Toothache in children is most often caused by teething, which usually occurs between the ages of four and seven months. Symptoms such as fever, skin rash, diarrhea, and bruising are not uncommon when teething. Contact a pediatrician if symptoms of persistence are severe or recur. Toothache pain can often […]


Natural painkillers for toothache

Toothache A severe pain and maybe an uninvited guest called Toothache! Of course, you can control the pain very quickly. Severe toothache is one of the most commonly experienced pain disorders. In this case, the person    cannot eat and talk and tries to relieve his toothache in any way. In these cases, it is definitely […]


Ridges on the edge of teeth in children?

What are dentate ridges on the edge of permanent teeth in children? If you look closely, you can see that the winning surface of the permanent front teeth in children is serrated. Sometimes parents, when they first notice these toothed bumps on the edge of their child’s teeth, think there is a problem and that […]


Loosening of permanent teeth

Loosening of permanent teeth is usually a sign of redness for oral problems and should be addressed as soon as possible. There are many different types of oral diseases that can cause loose teeth. Loose teeth, in addition to the problems they cause you in terms of biting and chewing food due to the misalignment […]


Treatment methods for loosening of adult teeth

Treatment for loose teeth in adults begins as soon as the dentist can diagnose the cause. Most of them are preventable or act as a treatment to prevent any underlying disease that is developing your loose tooth syndrome. Splinting If your loose tooth is not detached from the gums, you can treat it with a […]


Causes of enamel erosion

Enamel is the outermost layer of teeth and the hardest tissue in the human body. This layer is white and surrounds the crown of the tooth. Normally, a very small amount of tooth enamel is damaged during the day and night, but with good oral hygiene, it is not too late to restore the enamel […]


Nocturnal toothache

Toothache is a relatively common and often unbearable pain that can occur at any time but usually becomes extremely annoying and restrictive during the night. When you have this problem during the night, it becomes difficult for you to sleep and you may wake up constantly. If you have this problem many times or you […]


Toothaches that are not related to the teeth

 Not all pain in the jaw and face is related to the teeth. Sometimes the source of these pains is another factor; For example, pain from trigeminal neuralgia, shingles, migraine, and sinusitis are sometimes confused with toothache. Another important cause of toothache is myocardial infarction, which manifests itself as toothache and lower left jaw pain. […]