Entries by admin_detist_sam


Why is dental scaling necessary?

Dental scaling is a procedure used to remove plaque, often to prevent periodontal disease, known as plaque or calculus. There are many reasons for the formation of plaque, such as sugary foods, improper brushing methods, poor oral care, etc. Scaling removes brown stains or yellow tissue that has built up on your teeth, or even […]


Neural toothache

Dental problems may not seem related to anxiety, but toothaches can follow anxiety and stress. Neuralgia teeth go completely undiagnosed until they are seen by a dentist. While anxiety is known as a mental health disorder, there are many physical symptoms that involve a person following anxiety. In some cases (such as panic) this mental […]


Orthodontics and self-confidence

Crooked teeth and other dental problems can reduce the level of self-confidence in a person. But when we brace our teeth to fix misalignment problems, the braces themselves can also lower self-confidence and make a person afraid to smile. Although there is still a bit of awkwardness about orthodontic treatments that are visible, we no […]


How to prevent facial aging?

Daily dental hygiene helps us avoid many signs of facial aging by avoiding many oral diseases and pathologies. Teeth whitening: By whitening teeth, we can prevent the yellow color that occurs in the teeth. Annual checkups at the dentist: This is an essential pillar in delaying or preventing these signs of aging. Maintaining a balanced […]


More about implant

Does the implant hurt? No, the implant itself is painless, especially if it is one or two units, and in a good quality bone and the right amount. But in advanced cases that require a lot of work time, the person may feel some discomfort at the end of the work when the anesthesia wears […]


Does my tooth need nerve extraction?

Most of the time, a decayed tooth does not show any symptoms unless this decay has involved the root of the tooth. In other words, it has reached the nerve and needs tooth extraction. With the increase in the amount of root decay, the tooth pain increased until the pain became permanent and the pain […]


Deciding to straighten crooked teeth

Deciding to straighten crooked teeth is a personal decision. For many people, lack of funds or lack of dental health insurance support may affect the decision to straighten teeth. A person’s general health issues may also play a role in the cause of crooked permanent teeth. If you are personally unhappy with the crookedness of […]


Wisdom tooth

During our life, our teeth continue to grow through different stages. The last tooth that completes this process is a tooth called the wisdom tooth, whose name has nothing to do with intelligence and its completion. What is a wisdom tooth and in which part of the mouth is it located? These teeth, which include […]


Pediatric Dentistry

If you notice that your child has not yet lost milk teeth compared to his sibling, you can visit the dentist. By performing examinations, the dentist will make sure of the presence of permanent teeth in the gums, and in the face, he will have a better diagnosis with a radiographic image. If it is […]