Arbitrary use of antibiotics to treat dental abscesses only relieves the symptoms of the disease and the infection persists.
Abscess means the accumulation of pus and infection in the tissues of the body and may form anywhere on the body, including in the oral cavity. Abscesses occur due to tooth decay. Therefore, if tooth decay is not treated, the resulting infection will spread to the tooth base and enter the bone from there; or it may even be that the infection has entered the tissue around the tooth.
Gum problems and diseases can cause dental abscesses, but untreated gum infections can also cause gingival abscesses; but abscess diagnosis is sometimes simple and sometimes difficult. When the tooth does not decay, an abscess occurs due to a gum infection; but if the tooth is decaying, decay can cause an abscess.
Of course, there is a less common cause, which is an abscess caused by trauma or the food we eat, or a foreign body that enters the tissues around the teeth and mucous membranes, can also cause infection and tooth abscess.
“People who have a weaker immune system for any reason, such as pregnant women, the elderly and people with underlying diseases such as diabetes, are more prone to tooth infections and abscesses than others,” he said. Tooth decay, bad breath, poor oral function, and difficulty eating are some of the symptoms of dental abscess. If the eating problem is not treated and continues, high fever and lethargy can occur. The patient should see a dentist as soon as possible.
We must prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Therefore, brushing at least twice for at least two minutes with fluoride toothpaste, reducing sugar intake, reducing the consumption of any sugar that has sugar, and regular visits to the dentist are also recommended.
Arbitrary use of antibiotics and painkillers can still be considered the cause of dental abscess. Arbitrary use of antibiotics causes resistance to antibiotics. In such cases, the symptoms go away, but the infection does not go away because the cause still remains. Antibiotics should only be taken with a doctor’s diagnosis.
One can take a painkiller to relieve severe pain. Rinse your mouth with dilute water and salt and then go to the dentist or day care center. Rinse with water and salt in such a way that in a glass of cooled boiled water, pour a half of a teaspoon of salt and use it. People who brush regularly may find it helpful to use diluted salt water occasionally.
Acute abscess manifests itself in the form of pain and swelling, lethargy and sometimes high fever, but in chronic abscess, an abscess cavity is formed and infection and pus come out of it, the patient who comes in has swelling; But it does not hurt because the pus is coming out and the pressure has been removed from the nerves in the area. Sometimes the infection spreads to the bone of the tooth and the treatment is tooth extraction.
When an abscess swells the face, the abscess must be opened to remove the pus. Very large abscesses need to be drained.