During our life, our teeth continue to grow through different stages. The last tooth that completes this process is a tooth called the wisdom tooth, whose name has nothing to do with intelligence and its completion.

What is a wisdom tooth and in which part of the mouth is it located?

These teeth, which include four teeth, each behind the molars and on both sides of the upper and lower jaws, usually grow between the ages of 17 and 25.

Of course, this does not mean that wisdom teeth are fully developed and visible in all people. A wisdom tooth that cannot be seen is called a hidden wisdom tooth.

Generally, these teeth cannot grow properly and affect other teeth

What are common wisdom tooth problems?

Many people will never have any problems and discomfort with their wisdom teeth during their life, but if possible problems lead to tooth extraction as diagnosed by the doctor, it is better to do this at a young age because at this age the root of this tooth is still in the wisdom tooth. And the gum is not fixed, and surgery or pulling it is much easier and less painful.

This tooth usually causes problems when it stays under the gum surface and instead of growing vertically like other teeth, it continues to grow horizontally. This is possible because the jaw is small and the tooth has enough space to grow. It cannot happen and during growth, it causes pain and damage to the healthy tooth by pressing on the side tooth.

Sometimes these teeth may press the roots of the molars and cause a lot of pain.

Sometimes wisdom teeth not coming out completely from the gums can be painful and cause a lot of discomfort to the patient. Some people don’t have problems with their wisdom teeth in normal condition and only feel pain when chewing food and putting pressure on them.

Usually wisdom teeth can grow in four ways

* Towards the other and angular tooth, which is called the second molar

* Towards the back of the mouth and angular

* At an angle to other teeth

* Regular and vertical like other teeth

Necessary tips about wisdom teeth extraction:

Extraction of this tooth is one of the things that must be done with examination by a dentist so that this operation can be done if it is really necessary.

In general, if the wisdom tooth is in its correct place, it does not need to be extracted. But regarding the hidden wisdom tooth, due to the damage it can cause to the side teeth and also the occurrence of infections, dentists recommend that you pull the wisdom tooth. Of course, this is a general theory and the condition of the teeth should be determined by the doctor.

One of the things that make it necessary to remove wisdom teeth is the decay of wisdom teeth. Bacteria and food particles can cause many problems if they get stuck on the edge of the wisdom tooth and cause plaque (deposits around the teeth that are colorless or pale yellow) which we will mention below.

Gum diseases

Cysts and benign tumors

Abscess (accumulation of pus in the wisdom tooth or tissue around the tooth)

Tooth Decay

If these problems occur, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics for treatment, and when the antibiotics do not respond, he may extract the wisdom teeth.

If you notice that your child has not yet lost milk teeth compared to his sibling, you can visit the dentist. By performing examinations, the dentist will make sure of the presence of permanent teeth in the gums, and in the face, he will have a better diagnosis with a radiographic image. If it is determined that the permanent tooth has grown but has not come out from the gum, the baby tooth is pulled in the dental office and with special tools and methods, the conditions are created for the hidden permanent tooth to come out.

Therefore, if the child’s milk teeth remain in the mouth until the age of 9, you should see a dentist as soon as possible.

What are the reasons for delaying the growth of permanent teeth?

Sometimes the child’s milk teeth are loose and fall out, but the permanent tooth still does not grow. Unfortunately, in many cases, it is found that the permanent tooth is not even inside the gum, although this diagnosis can only be confirmed by a dentist. Many children do not have one or more permanent teeth and will never see them grow. Usually, this problem occurs in girls more than boys, however, there are several reasons for permanent teeth not growing or being delayed. Some of the reasons are:


Some defective genes in people cause permanent teeth to grow very late, or never grow at all. Unfortunately, this factor is not under control, if one of the parents had such a problem in childhood, they will probably witness it in their children as well.


One of the most important factors that affect the health and beauty of teeth is nutrition. Based on statistics, it has been determined that children who live in low-income families face nutritional problems, and then face problems such as delayed tooth growth when permanent teeth erupt. It is even possible that the calcium sources in the child’s body are very small and for this reason one or more permanent teeth will never grow.

In addition to the economic conditions that directly affect the type of child’s nutrition, children who live in prosperous families but have bad eating habits are facing disorders in the field of permanent teeth growth. As you know, many children and minors are so-called bad eaters and do not like important food groups such as dairy products, this point will cause the lack of growth or delay in the growth of permanent teeth.


Children’s bodies are much more sensitive to the external environment than adults’ bodies. Therefore, if a child is involved in stressful issues such as economic problems, parental problems, etc., many negative effects will appear in his body, and one of these effects is the delay in the growth of permanent teeth.


Usually, female children go through developmental stages much faster than male children, for example, they speak earlier or learn to do some things independently earlier. This point also applies to the growth of permanent teeth, usually girls lose milk teeth and get permanent teeth a few months earlier than boys. So a little delay in boys is normal.

Secretory gland diseases

If your child has passed the age of 9 and one or more permanent teeth have not yet grown, you can consult an endocrinologist after consulting a dentist. Diseases such as disorders of the thyroid gland or pituitary gland affect the growth of permanent teeth.

Gingival hyperplasia is the enlargement or excessive growth of gum tissue around the teeth. This means an increase in gum volume. Therefore, in most cases, the term hyperplasia is used instead of the term excessive gum growth. Gingival hyperplasia, gingival overgrowth, gingival enlargement, hypotrophy and hypertrophic inflammation are also called.

Symptoms of gingival hyperplasia

Gingival hyperplasia may be painful and affect oral health. One of the characteristic features of this disease is bleeding gums and their redness. In other words, this disease means the growth and enlargement of the gum tissue in a light red or light velvet color that bleeds easily. Other symptoms associated with this disease include:

Sensitive gums

Swelling of the gum

The pain

Bad Breath

Accumulation of plaque on the teeth

In severe cases of gum disease, the gums completely cover the teeth, this disorder has a negative effect on the orderliness of the teeth in addition to the health of the teeth. Covering the teeth with gum makes them difficult to clean and thus increases the risk of gum disease. Gum hyperplasia at a young age may have a negative effect on the growth of teeth and the eruption of primary teeth.

An increase in the local volume of the gums can be a benign or malignant lesion.

Gingival overgrowth can be caused by different mechanisms, but they look very similar.

This increase in volume is usually found in the front part of the teeth and in some cases it can also be on the side of the tongue.

Causes of gingival hyperplasia

There are various reasons for this disease, but lack of oral and dental hygiene and the use of some drugs are the most common causes of gum hyperplasia. If gingival hyperplasia is not treated, it may cause the teeth to become disorganized, and in this situation, the possibility of gum disease also increases. Gingival hyperplasia is usually treated by improving oral and dental hygiene, but in severe cases, the patient may need surgery.

The main cause of gingival hyperplasia is inflammation in most cases. Inflammation can be caused by poor oral hygiene or dental treatments such as orthodontic brackets.

Gingivitis can cause hyperplasia of the gums. Gingivitis often occurs due to the accumulation of plaque on the teeth. Dental plaques are formed as a result of poor oral hygiene. Inflammation makes the gums red and sensitive and causes bleeding. Flossing and brushing can reduce gum inflammation.


Gum hyperplasia may be a side effect of some drugs. The most common drugs that cause hyperplasia of the gums include the following:

Anticonvulsant drugs

Immunosuppressive drugs

Calcium channel blockers, blood pressure control drugs and other heart drugs

Gingivitis may be the main cause of gingival hyperplasia. Therefore, it is important to inform your dentist if you are taking any of these medications.

To have a beautiful smile, it is necessary to have smooth and uniform teeth. Therefore, having large teeth, especially in the front, will affect your beauty, and if you have large teeth, you may be dissatisfied with their appearance. This problem sometimes causes so much discomfort that we feel dissatisfied even seeing our photos, and this becomes a reason to think about treating these big teeth, and in this way, we will go to dental offices.

Is it necessary to remove big teeth and replace them with other teeth?

The best way to treat big teeth is to consult a cosmetic dentist, so never ask your dentist to replace these teeth with dental implants. So don’t make any decisions about your teeth before consulting a cosmetic dentist. A cosmetic dentist can provide solutions that improve your smile and preserve your natural teeth.

How to change the shape of big teeth?

One of the methods is to reduce the front teeth. But there are considerations that this method may not be the best choice. Distortion of the large front teeth can affect the appearance of the canines and, in fact, make them look worse, as it can cause misalignment in the teeth. Shaving the teeth alone is usually not effective, because the inner layers of the teeth will be exposed to air, and this leads to sensitivity and increased risk of tooth decay or cracking. Another method is to use dental veneers to change the shape of the teeth. In this method, a strong, attractive and protective coating is used on the teeth to reduce sensitivity and increase durability.

Ways to reduce big teeth

After examining the teeth, the cosmetic dentist may recommend one of the following solutions:


A cosmetic dentist can use diamond files and diamond bands to precisely align your teeth, and your teeth may need to be trimmed or corrected.


 Your dentist may use a retainer spring (a flexible piece of metal) to align your teeth or recommend invisible clear orthodontic brackets to realign your teeth.

Dental laminate:

If your front teeth are so large that the dentist needs to trim them a lot, he may use a dental laminate to cover the exposed dentin (the bottom layer of tooth enamel) after the teeth have been trimmed.

 No matter what treatment you receive, only a cosmetic dentist can reduce your teeth to achieve very natural results. Otherwise, we may have opposite results and even the beauty of your smile will be greatly reduced, which will be very expensive to correct.

When you consult a cosmetic dentist to have a beautiful smile, he will listen to you carefully to understand your goals for visiting the dentist and to have the best result. In this regard, if you are also dissatisfied with the size or shape of your teeth, it may be recommended to trim and correct teeth, cover or laminate teeth, to change their shape.