It is impossible to say that human body parts are safe from any injury or pain. Jaw deformity is a condition in which a person’s upper and lower jaw teeth are not perfectly aligned with each other. For example, one of the orthodontic abnormalities is an overbite or a condition in which the maxillary teeth cover the front mandibular teeth too much. Signs and symptoms of these disorders can be varied and complex, including pain, tenderness of the jaw, pain in and around the ear, difficulty opening the mouth completely, discomfort when chewing, pain and sound in the joint Or locking the temporomandibular joint so that it is difficult for the patient to open and close the mouth.

Such a situation is never easy to live with. However, with the widespread advancement of health technologies, dentists and orthodontists are familiar with several treatments for this problem.

Symptoms of maxillofacial malformation: The effect of jaw deformity is not only physical but also on a person’s mood. This regional disorder leads to eating, breathing, sleeping, talking, and even discomfort jaws even at rest. These problems vary from person to person depending on the type of disorder, the patient’s pain threshold, age, the severity of the disorder, and so on. However, doctors and experts in this field have identified three main issues that most people face with this condition.

The description of these disorders is as follows:

Difficulty chewing: Unfortunately, jaw abnormalities will cause the upper and lower jaws to overlap when chewing food. This will cause pain and discomfort and incomplete chewing of food, leading to digestive problems.

Abnormal breathing: This condition can put a person in a tight spot and force them to breathe through the mouth, which can cause other health problems because breathing through the nose removes a significant percentage of environmental and respiratory air pollution. This will not happen when you breathe. Mouth breathing itself causes many jaw problems, including jaw stenosis, which is available in the mouth breathing section of another site.

Abnormal appearance: The deformation and structure of a person’s face is one of the most obvious signs that appear in his appearance. Babies who have been breastfeeding continuously for a long time or who are accustomed to sucking their thumb develop jaw irregularities at an early age. In this case, not only the appearance of the face and face are affected but also makes him a shy person without self-confidence.

Treatment of maxillofacial malformations: People who suffer from this condition have different treatment options in dentistry. The first step is always a specialist consultation with an orthodontist or orthodontist to evaluate and make initial examinations of the maxillary deformity.

Correcting bad habits such as gnashing teeth, chewing lips, chewing tongue, chewing nails, finger chewing is one of the appropriate solutions. A good option is to use a mouth guard or Night Guard at night, which can prevent bruxism.

In some cases, orthodontic wires are another solution. This gradually moves the teeth in the jaw to fit together regularly and the jaw position is in its normal position.

Surgical options, if your doctor recommends it. In this method, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon usually solves the problem with the coordination of the orthodontist. Usually, this option is only necessary when there is a large and serious structural problem in the jaw and the other options can not easily reduce the difficult conditions and return the jaw to normal.

Jaw deformities can cause a lot of pain and should not be allowed to continue, so immediate treatment is needed to prevent it from getting worse.

After filling the tooth, the anesthetic effect wears off in about one to three hours. Until the anesthetic effect wears off, you should be careful never to chew anything with the numb side of the mouth to prevent damage or biting of the lips, tongue, cheeks, etc. In the case of children, you should monitor them until the anesthetic wears off. Due to the strange sensation of tissue anesthesia, many children may chew on the inner surface of the cheeks, lips, and tongue, which can cause serious damage.

After filling a tooth, the tooth may become sensitive to cold or heat or pressure. This condition is perfectly normal and resolves within a few days to a few weeks. In a few cases, this feeling may last for more than a few weeks. As long as the teeth and gums are healing, everything is going well and there is no need to worry.

Contact your dentist after your anesthetic wears off if you feel pain in your full tooth when you close your mouth and bite or chew. The tooth byte surface may need to be adjusted.

During dental fillings, the gum tissue may become irritated and sore for several days. The anesthetic injection site may also be painful or bruised.

In the case of amalgam fillings, you should not chew hard food or eat directly with the filled teeth for the first 24 hours after filling. If possible, chew only with the other part of the mouth (if the filled teeth are on the right side with the left side of the mouth and vice versa). Teeth whitening (composite dental resin) can be used immediately after treatment and the anesthetic effect wears off.

Chew slowly. Chewing puts a lot of pressure on the teeth, which can cause a lot of pain to a newly filled tooth. When you want to eat, take enough time to do so and do not try to chew large pieces of food at once and vigorously. This way you can avoid strong and excessive contact between the teeth. If possible, eat with the opposite side of the filled tooth.

Close your mouth when chewing food. In some people, the teeth become sensitive to cold air after filling. Therefore, after filling your teeth, you should close your mouth for a while to eat to prevent the flow of cold air to the teeth and cause toothache.

Avoid sticky and chewy foods such as chewing gum. In some dental fillings, especially amalgam (silver colored), it may take some time for you to eat sticky and chewy foods such as chewing gum. In rare cases, chewing these foods immediately after filling the teeth may cause the filling materials to separate.

Avoid hot or cold drinks. Freshly filled teeth become sensitive, so avoid very cold or hot drinks for a few days and eat at a moderate temperature.

Avoid sweets and sweet foods. Avoid these ingredients for a few days, as sweets can irritate freshly filled teeth. Consumption of sugars can also cause bacteria to grow around or below the tooth filling margin.

Do not eat hard foods such as nuts, hard chocolate, and ice. Chewing these foods, in addition to putting a lot of pressure on the newly filled tooth that is still healing, may cause the filling of the tooth filling that has not yet taken hold properly. This is especially important for silver amalgam fillings because it takes longer to fully adhere to the tooth.

If your teeth are filled with tooth-colored materials, avoid colored foods such as coffee for the first few days.

Avoid chewing food for at least an hour after filling your teeth, although drinking fluids is not a problem.

Hard foods should not be eaten for a few days after treatment.

Restoration or filling of teeth is not an obstacle to observing hygienic points, from a few hours after treatment, the routine of oral care can be observed.

It is normal to feel a high feeling in a full tooth in the first hours after treatment, but if this feeling persists after a few days, be sure to see a dentist to correct the problems.

In most cases, the dentist uses anesthesia to begin treatment. The effects of this anesthesia may last for several hours after treatment and there is nothing to worry about. One of the points in this regard is to avoid biting or injuring the lips and cheeks.

Sensitivity to cold and heat and pain are normal for the first few days and in some cases may last longer, but if these pains and allergies do not go away over time, you should go to a dental clinic.

The materials with which they fill the teeth may change color or lose their luster after a while. If such problems occur, you should talk to your dentist to take steps to repair it.

What is the relationship between tooth infection and sore throat?

Many people experience tooth infection and sore throat together; For many of them, the question arises whether their tooth infection has caused a sore throat or vice versa, that is, a sore throat and its infection has caused a tooth infection ?! At these times, they are even confused about what doctor to go to, a dentist or an ear, nose, and throat specialist to solve their problem.

First of all, we point out that the connection between tooth infection and sore throat is more seen in the case of wisdom tooth infection. Wisdom tooth infection is a very common complication; Because wisdom teeth do not have enough space for normal growth, many wisdom teeth become latent. On the other hand, even if they are completely removed from the gums, they are difficult to clean. This is why semi-weekly wisdom tooth infections or even non-impacted wisdom teeth are very common.

Wisdom teeth, also called tertiary or third molar teeth, grow in the gums between the ages of 17 and 21. While most people do not experience any particular pain when they grow or have a wisdom tooth infection, some may experience symptoms such as swelling, jaw pain, sinus problems, earache, or sore throat.

One of the symptoms of wisdom tooth infection is a recurrent sore throat. Wisdom tooth infections and sore throats usually occur together and these sore throats are not related to colds or flu. In addition, wisdom tooth infections can cause sinus problems and cause pressure headaches, or runny nose.

Dental abscesses contain pus caused by bacterial infections. These purulent bundles grow at the tips of the tooth roots. This can cause severe pain in the jaw and throat on one side of your face (the side involved in the infection). The lymph nodes around your neck and throat may also be swollen. All of these can cause you to experience tooth infection and sore throat together.

Other signs of a dental infection include:

Sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures

Pain when chewing food


Swelling of the face or cheeks

Swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes below the jaw or neck

Beneath the crown of your tooth is a nerve rooted in the jawbone. Prolonged or partially occluded wisdom teeth and wisdom tooth infections (even if they are completely protruding from the gums) can all affect and pressure these nerves. Over time, jaw pain, tenderness and stiffness of the jaw may occur so that you can not open your mouth easily.

Due to the location of wisdom teeth in the mouth, infection is a very common occurrence. If, in addition to jaw involvement, you notice a very bad odor coming out of the back of your mouth, you most likely have a wisdom tooth infection.

When wisdom teeth become infected and have other problems, swelling in the surrounding areas, including the jaw, cheeks, or lymph nodes, is very normal and expected. Basically, the swelling that occurs in the back of the mouth is very much related to wisdom tooth infection.

If you have a wisdom tooth infection, your gums will certainly be red and swollen. To detect discoloration of the gums, you can compare the color of the gums in the back with the front of the mouth.

If your wisdom tooth is causing you problems, your dentist will probably suggest that you have it extracted. If you have a dental abscess, your dentist will remove the pus with a small incision. He or she may also prescribe antibiotics.

Many people do not have any problems with their wisdom teeth during their lifetime and never go to a dental clinic for wisdom tooth surgery. But if the eruption of this tooth is associated with problems, the extraction of wisdom teeth should be on the agenda. In this article, we will introduce you to the problems of impacted wisdom teeth, the reasons for wisdom tooth extraction, risks, preparation for surgery, and postoperative care.

Extraction of wisdom teeth is a surgical procedure to extract one or more wisdom teeth, the four main adult teeth that are up and down in the back corners of your mouth.

If a wisdom tooth does not have space to grow (impacted wisdom tooth) it can lead to pain, infection, or other dental problems and you will most likely have to pull it out. Wisdom tooth extraction may be performed by a dentist or oral surgeon.

To prevent possible problems in the future, some dentists and oral surgeons recommend that wisdom tooth surgery be performed and the tooth extracted, even if the impacted teeth are not currently a problem.

Wisdom teeth are the last major teeth to appear in the mouth. These teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Some people never get wisdom teeth. In other people, wisdom teeth erupt normally – just like other teeth – and do not cause a problem.

Many people have impacted wisdom teeth – teeth that do not have enough space to come out of the mouth or grow normally. The impacted wisdom tooth may only grow to some extent or not come out at all.

An impacted wisdom tooth may:

Grow at an angle to the next tooth

Grow at an angle to the back of the mouth

Grow at right angles to other teeth, as if the wisdom tooth were inside the jawbone

Like other teeth, it goes straight up or down but is stuck in the bone.

If a missing wisdom tooth leads to the following problems, you should probably have it extracted:

  Stuck food and debris behind the wisdom teeth
  Infection or gum disease (periodontal disease) that requires gum surgery.
  Tooth decay in a partially germinated wisdom tooth
  Damage to nearby teeth or surrounding bone
  Create a fluid-filled sac (cyst) around the wisdom teeth
  Complications of orthodontic treatments for straightening other teeth

Dental professionals disagree about extracting impacted wisdom teeth that do not cause problems (asymptomatic).

Wisdom tooth extraction does not usually lead to long-term complications. However, extracting an impacted wisdom tooth sometimes requires a surgical procedure that involves making an incision in the gum tissue and removing the bone. Complications of this rarely include the following:

  Dry and painful surgical site (cavity) or the appearance of bone in the event of the disappearance of a blood clot after surgery from the surgical wound site (cavity)
  Infection in the cavity is trapped due to the accumulation of bacteria or food particles
  Damage to teeth, nerves, jawbone or surrounding sinuses.