Small stains are removed by ultrasonic cleaning, rotary polishing with anti-wear paste, or air polishing with abrasive powder. Teeth whitening can also be removed by whitening teeth and other methods. Note that whitening teeth will temporarily worsen the appearance of teeth with fluorosis.

Laminate veneer: Using porcelain veneers is another solution to remove white spots on the teeth. Veneers are custom veneers made to improve the appearance of each patient’s teeth. These veneers are used for people with severe fluorosis. Laminers, duratin veneers, nano veneers and very thin Imax veneers are very thin types of veneers that are used by cosmetic dentists at the right time.

Bonding: Bonding is a type of dental coating that is attached to tooth enamel with hard resins.

Dental crowns: Dental veneers are fixed prostheses that are attached to existing teeth or implants. Veneers usually cover the entire stained tooth.

MI pastes: MI pastes are made from calcium phosphate, which in some cases is used in conjunction with micro-abrasion techniques to reduce tooth discoloration.

Home care: Home remedies for blackheads and whiteheads focus primarily on remineralization (conversion of organic or organic matter to mineral). Our dentists believe that with increasing brushing and flossing, white spots disappear over time.

Brown and black spots on the surface of the teeth:

Cause: These stains are common stains on teeth. Causes of tooth blackening include excessive drinking of tea, coffee, smoking, and colored foods that are absorbed by the tooth surface.

Treatment: We use scalar to remove stains on the teeth and polishes and preventative pastes to smooth the surface of the teeth. Teeth whitening also helps to remove these stains.

Prevention: Avoid dark drinks such as tea, coffee and red wine. Also, avoid smoking.

Green and orange spots:

Cause: Accumulation of bacterial and fungal plaque on teeth due to improper and inadequate brushing

Treatment: Simple scaling of teeth and teeth polishing to remove accumulated plaque (hardened dental plaque) on the tooth

Prevention: Observing the correct principles of oral hygiene, brushing twice a day in the morning and at night and flossing regularly

Causes of mottled white, bluish-gray, yellowish-brown tooth stains:

Cause: Abnormal mineralization or tooth formation during tooth growth, disease, or the use of certain antibiotics can cause discoloration and staining of the teeth on growing teeth. These spots are usually present when the teeth come in and grow.

Treatment: The treatment of these stains is more complicated than the treatment of existing stains. The treatment of these stains includes acidic abrasions (removal of very thin layers of enamel from damaged teeth with the help of strong acids and coarse polishes), teeth whitening, filling teeth with white materials or use It is made of veneers and dental veneers.

Grayish black teeth:

Cause: In fact, the cause of black teeth in children and adults is tooth decay.

Treatment: The dentist can remove the decayed part of the tooth and use white fillings to replace the lost tooth tissue. Recent dental caries can be treated with topical fluoride therapy.

A single dark tooth:

Cause: This complication usually occurs after an injury or tooth decay that destroys the tooth nerve. We call that pulp necrosis. In some cases, the teeth become darker as a result.

Treatment: Dead teeth should be denervated. Then you can improve the appearance of your teeth by whitening your teeth, veneers or using dental veneers.

Different materials are used in tooth filling, also known as tooth restoration. The type of material used depends on several different factors, including the size and location of the decay, as well as the cost of filling. Two of the more common options are filling the teeth with porcelain or filling silver amalgam.

Silver amalgam fillers are actually a combination of several metals that are retained with a small amount of mercury. Although the idea of ​​having mercury in the mouth may scare some people, it has been found that the level of mercury in dental amalgam is harmless in this regard. These fillings usually last for at least 10 to 15 years on the teeth and can sometimes stay well on the teeth for decades. The reason for their longevity is that they are made of metal, which means that they show a hard surface. This is just one of the reasons why many dentists use this substance to fill large cavities.

When is it necessary to fill a tooth?

Almost all of us have or have had at least one tooth cavity at one point or another. It is very rare for a person to live their whole life without ever having this type of tooth decay. Some unlucky people seem to have regular cavities in their teeth, while many others may take years to develop the next tooth cavity in their mouth.

Cavities form when the hard, outer layer of your natural tooth is damaged. Damage occurs when bacteria make acid with the sugars in your teeth. This acid then combines with saliva and food to form plaque. Plaque and acids damage teeth by creating holes or cavities in the upper layers of the tooth until the inner pulp is affected. This can eventually lead to the need for root canal treatment and denervation.

These dental caries can occur in both adult and deciduous teeth. These injuries can often be painful, causing tooth sensitivity and pain when biting, and can even be seen as a hole or pit that can be seen with the naked eye. There are several reasons for this tooth decay, including:

Consume sugary drinks

Inadequate and irregular dental care

Eating regular meals and snacks

Excess bacteria in your mouth

Going to the dentist can reveal cavities on your teeth during the examination that you still cannot identify. This is why it is very important to see your dentist twice a year for cleaning and examination, as this can prevent any dental problems from getting worse. For example, sometimes a course of fluoride therapy is enough to treat a small cavity in the early stages.

As soon as the cavity is present, it is essential to treat the caries as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading.

Is the mercury in dental amalgam safe?

Most people know dental amalgams as silver fillers. Tooth amalgam is a mixture of mercury, silver, tin and copper. Mercury, which makes up about 50 percent of the compound, is used to bind metals together to create a strong, hard, and durable filler. It has been found that after years of research, mercury is the only element that binds these metals together so that they can be easily used in cavities.

Mercury is not toxic to dental amalgam. When mercury combines with other materials in dental amalgam, its chemical nature changes, so it is essentially harmless. The amount of mercury released in the mouth under the pressure of chewing and grinding food is very small and there is no reason to warn. In fact, it is much less than the mercury that patients are exposed to in food, air and water.

Ongoing scientific studies over the past 100 years continue to prove that amalgam is not harmful. Allegations of mercury-induced diseases in amalgam, as well as claims of miraculous therapies obtained by removing amalgam. These claims have not been scientifically proven.
Why do dentists use dental amalgam?

Dental amalgam has withstood the test of time, which is why it is the material of choice for filling dental cavities. This method has a proven history of 150 years and is still one of the safest, most durable and least expensive materials used to fill cavities. It is estimated that more than 1 billion teeth are repaired amalgam (fillings) annually. Dentists use dental amalgam because it is easier to work with than other options. Some patients prefer dental amalgam to other options because of their safety, cost-effectiveness, and ability to be placed in the dental cavity quickly.

This material is a valuable option in suitable conditions because it can withstand the load and high pressure of chewing for molars (back). It is also useful in areas where it is difficult to keep the cavity dry when replacing fillings, such as deep fillings below the gum line.

Contact your dentist if you have any more questions or require a consultation about tooth fillings.

It is very important to clean the interdental space and finish the unfinished work of the toothbrush. Toothbrushes, both regular and electric, have access to only three of the five tooth surfaces. Therefore, if you do not clean the space between the teeth, 35% of the tooth surface remains uncleaned every day. As a result, plaque and food particles get stuck between the teeth, and if they are not removed in time, you will face tooth decay or gum disease. Depending on the distance between your teeth, flossing or brushing your teeth every day will help prevent these problems. If the interdental spaces are large enough, it is best to use an interdental toothbrush. But if your teeth are clenched, flossing is a better option. Of course, there are different floss and toothbrush sizes that you can choose the right type according to the size of your mouth.

Other care to maintain oral health:

The best way to keep your teeth clean and healthy is to have healthy, pink, and fragrant gums. Take your daily oral hygiene routine seriously.

Reduce snack consumption: Sweet and sugary snacks are ideal food for bacteria that cause tooth decay. If you eat these snacks during the day, the acid produced by the bacteria will always be present in the oral environment and the teeth will be exposed to constant acid attack. So if you insist on eating sweet snacks, try to eat them with the main meal. We recommend substituting healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and yogurt for these harmful snacks.

Quit smoking: Continued smoking, whether smoking or not, increases the risk of oral cancer, gum disease and tooth decay; The harms of smoking and its role in lung cancer and heart disease are also familiar to everyone. So if you smoke, ask your dentist or doctor about how to quit.

Regular examination of the mouth and periodic visits to the dentist: If you maintain good oral hygiene, you will quickly notice changes in your oral environment, such as clenched and broken teeth, red or swollen gums, or unusual sores. If you notice a problem, be sure to see a dentist. Early treatment is the best way to solve many problems.

Use a mouth guard / night guard: If you or your child is an athlete, be sure to use a mouth guard when exercising. Using a guard is especially important during orthodontics or when restoring teeth. Also, if you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth, ask your dentist if you need to use a night guard.

The two most important organs of the face are the upper and lower jaws, which in the absence of fit between the two, such as the back or front of the jaw, excessive overlap, asymmetry, etc., a phenomenon called jaw and facial abnormalities occurs. Oral and maxillofacial abnormalities are caused by a variety of causes, such as genetics, or from the time a baby is born with symptoms, environmental factors, and damage to the jaw area due to an accident or injury to the jaw growth center in children when they fall from a swing or fall.

Genetic malformations are not preventable, but abnormalities related to environmental factors can be identified and the complication can be prevented by timely removal of the causative agent. In people with jaw and facial abnormalities, the function of this area is impaired, which includes chewing, speaking, breathing, as well as the aesthetic aspect of the person, and it is necessary to treat and correct as soon as possible.

Impairment of fetal development, consumption of certain drugs in pregnant mothers and exposure to certain chemical compounds are among the causes of maxillofacial abnormalities in children and cause disorders in the development of the dental-maxillary system. Smoking or drinking alcohol during pregnancy increases the risk of these problems.

Genetic disorders: In the early stages of fetal development, the occurrence of specific genetic mutations will cause a variety of syndromes.

Trauma to the mandible in childhood: The area of ​​the mandible that joins the skull is very vulnerable, and a small blow to it causes a fracture of this area, which is often asymptomatic. Falling a child while cycling, the fading of a tooth in some children causes the asymptomatic development of the mandible and the deviation of the jaw or the smallness of the mandible compared to the maxilla, which can be prevented by timely diagnosis.

Causes of jaw deformities:

The growth of the mandible on one side over the other occurs for obscure reasons and causes a deviation in the jaw that occurs between the ages of 15 and 25.

Shapes in the size of the teeth

Extra teeth: The most common extra tooth is a front tooth in the midline of the maxilla between the first two front teeth.

Early loss of baby teeth: One of the functions of deciduous teeth is to maintain the space in the jaw until a suitable time for the eruption of permanent teeth. Falling out of a baby tooth prematurely will cause adjacent teeth to move into the empty space and the underlying permanent tooth will remain hidden or will grow out of order.

Hereditary background: The protrusion of the mandible over the maxilla is the most common and well-known hereditary problem with the hereditary background, which is treated by orthodontists with treatments called orthopedics.

Habits: Finger sucking in older children and prolonged pacifier sucking by the baby have devastating effects on the dental system.

Tooth sensitivity to heat and cold can be more than a minor inconvenience. If you have to change your eating and drinking habits so that your teeth do not have an upsetting reaction to you, then perhaps your problem is more advanced than a normal allergy. It is not uncommon for your teeth to grind or become sensitive when eating ice cream or drinking hot or cold beverages, but it is important to understand the difference between sensitive and normal teeth and sensitive and abnormal teeth. The pain and tenderness you feel may be related to a number of oral health issues. Consider these potential reasons. They can help you respond to your problem effectively.

Causes of tooth sensitivity are divided into several categories:

Enamel erosion: Our teeth are protected by enamel. Enamel is the first defender of teeth to deal with tooth sensitivity to heat and cold, adhesives and abrasives. If tooth enamel decays, it can also lead to tooth decay.

Enamel erodes under the influence of multiple factors. These factors include:


Acidic or sweet diet

History of GERD

Excessive use of dental cleaning products

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the main ingredients in most teeth whitening, both at home and professionally and by a dentist. The use of this product has been shown to stimulate the nerves of the teeth.

These external factors that can cause sensitive teeth include:

Brushing too much

Excessive use of teeth whitening treatments

Drinking substances such as wine, coffee and tomatoes

Bruxism and stress

Nerve roots: The biological cause of tooth sensitivity is nerve roots. Things happen when the tooth root is exposed to cold air due to the retraction of the gums. Pathways called dental tubes are filled with fluid. When a cold air stimulator or cold liquid hits the large tubes, the liquid in the tube moves. The movement of this fluid in the dental tubes causes pain in the nerve and sensitivity of the teeth to heat and cold.

Tooth sensitivity to heat and cold is often a warning sign that cavities are forming. If that’s the case, it may be time for you to show your teeth to a dentist. Likewise, filling small cavities in your teeth can eliminate tooth sensitivity to heat and cold.