Dentures are a removable replacement for missing teeth that are custom made of plastic or metal to fit snugly on the gums. A complete denture is used if all teeth are lost, and a fragmented denture is used if several teeth are left.
Complete dentures are available in either “normal” or “immediate” form. Ordinary dentures are placed in the mouth approximately 8 to 12 weeks after tooth extraction after the teeth have been extracted and the gums have healed.
But the denture is immediately prepared in advance and placed in the mouth as soon as the teeth are extracted so that the patient is not toothless while waiting for the gums to heal. Of course, because the bones and gums shrink over time, especially during healing, the disadvantage of instant dentures is that they need more manipulation and adjustment during this time. Therefore, an immediate denture is usually a temporary solution that is used until the original denture is prepared.
Partial removable dentures usually consist of dentures attached to a pink or gum-colored plastic base that attaches to a metal body. This metal body holds the denture in place. A one-piece denture is used if there are one or more natural teeth in the upper or lower jaw. The partial denture is delicate and mobile, has a natural appearance, and instead the hook is attached to the side veneers with internal connections.
A bridge is a fixed form of partial denture that permanently replaces a missing tooth, the teeth on both sides of the cavity are coated, and artificial teeth are attached to them. The bridge is then cemented in place. In addition to filling in the gaps, the bridge also prevents adjacent teeth from moving.
Dental implants can be used as a fixed bridge base to eliminate the need for removable dentures. Of course, the cost of dental implants is higher, but the combination of implants and bridges together creates a more natural tooth feeling in the patient. Implants are gradually replacing dentures, but dental implants are not suitable for all patients.
The process of making dentures takes three to six weeks and is done in several sessions. The prosthodontist, a dentist who specializes in repairing and replacing teeth, determines the best type of denture. The usual steps for preparing dentures are as follows:
Several molds are taken from the jaw and the necessary measurements are made of how the jaws relate to each other and the space between them.
Gypsum, wax or plastic patterns are carefully prepared. The patient tries this model several times, the size, color and shape of the denture are checked before final molding and cutting.
The final denture is molded and prepared.
Some words may become difficult to pronounce after placing a denture in the mouth, in which case try to pronounce difficult words aloud. You will get used to talking with dentures by practicing and over time.
If the denture makes a sound when talking, call your dentist. Dentures may occasionally appear when laughing, coughing or smiling. Move the denture with gentle downward pressure and swallowing saliva. If the problems do not resolve, contact your prosthodontist.
It is best not to use dentures in the following situations:
If the denture is loose and not the size of the mouth, do not use glue, as it can cause discomfort or sore gums. See your dentist for a denture as soon as possible.
If it has been a long time since the last evaluation of dentures by a dentist. The denture is placed on the gum tissue and jawbone, which over time shrinks the gums and breaks down the bone. Therefore, after a while, it may be necessary to manipulate the denture or make a new denture.
If oral hygiene is not well observed.
If the adhesive has been used for a long time, especially if the dentist has not been consulted regularly and the amount and number of times the adhesive has been used arbitrarily has increased.
If the patient is allergic to the ingredients of the adhesive.
Consider the following points when using dentures:
Make the most of it with minimal glue. Apply as little as you think is enough and gradually apply more glue to feel completely comfortable.
Spread the adhesive evenly on the surface of the denture.
Use or renew the adhesive only if necessary.
Always clean your dentures thoroughly before applying the adhesive.
Keep in mind that using glue gives the best results.
Cleaning the dentures
Most denture fractures occur when a tooth falls into the sink while rinsing. Therefore, we always advise patients to fill the sink with a few centimeters of water before brushing the denture so that if the denture is released from their hands, it will fall into the water and not on the hard ceramic surface.